雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 20 小時前 · The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), introduced by Folstein et al. 1. in 1975, is a widely used 30-point evaluation for screening delirium and cognitive impairment in clinical and research ...

  2. 2 天前 · In our study, high Fazekas score is seen in patients with low MMSE score with P value for white matter changes, and MMSE score correlation was 0.006, suggesting a moderate negative correlation between Fazekas scale and MMSE scoring system.

  3. 1 天前 · 三房母女拿不到 使出1大絕招. 財經中心/柯美儀報導. 家族為百萬遺產爭吵不休。. (示意圖/翻攝自pixabay). 香港麗新集團主席 林百欣 「林伯 ...

  4. 1 天前 · 一、「在簽署授權書的日期之前(這是關鍵)」,黃先生就有做過前述的MMSE(簡易心智量表)、CDR(臨床失智症嚴重度評量表)、CASI(認知功能障礙檢查量表)的失智評估檢測病歷紀錄。並且分數顯示,判斷能力有問題。

  5. 2 天前 · Charles Hollander提到同年8月林伯首次接受方嘉揚醫生MMSE檢查,總分30分當中得到8分,診斷出林伯患上中等至嚴重腦退化症,8月為林伯處方治療阿茲海默症藥物,改善記憶,林建岳坦承林伯過身後才知情,憶述2人「接觸時好正常」,自己亦曾吩咐練醫生

  6. 1 天前 · 因為我需要看到「是否有MMSE(簡易心智量表)、CDR(臨床失智症嚴重度評量表)、CASI(認知功能障礙檢查量表)...等診斷證明存在?」而這也是法院實務上,當親屬們為失智的家人追討被不法移轉的財產時,法院比較認同的證據!

  7. 2 天前 · Global CDR, MMSE, and WMSR-LMS II cognitive assessment scores were the most frequent sources of ineligibility (Figure 2, Table 2, Tables S3 and S4 in supporting information). Because the AHEAD Study is an ongoing program, 18% of plasma and clinically eligible participants were pending PET at the time of data freeze (Figure 2 ).

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