雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 積金局 使命和職責 機構管治及企業社會責任 積金.誌 機構活動 積金之友 社交媒體平台 加入積金局 認可供應商名冊 內部員工 ...

  2. 個人帳戶電子查詢」─讓你隨時隨地查閱個人帳戶紀錄. 計劃成員可透過個人帳戶電子查詢服務查詢個人帳戶紀錄持有香港身份證的人士可於個人帳戶電子查詢網站或流動應用程式申請成為個人帳戶電子查詢服務的用戶為保障計劃成員的個人資料計劃成員在完成申請後必須透過以下方法辦理確認身分手續於網上遞交申請時提供身份證及最近三個月內發出的住址證明文件副本以供核實身分以便啟動服務. 携同香港身份證親臨積金局辦事處辦理確認手續及即時啟動服務。 請 按此 查閱更多有關「個人帳戶電子查詢」服務的資料。 < 返回上頁.

  3. Residents. Employment. Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System. Employment. Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System. Information for Employees. Information for Employers. Information for Self-Employed Persons. Found this page helpful? Last revision date: October 2022. I Want To. Explore Career, Learning & Development Pathways.

  4. 2021年2月18日 · 假如你曾以永久離開香港為理由提早提取強積金,將不能以同一理由再次提出申請,受託人亦不會向你支付任何強積金。詳情請參閱法定聲明 (第 MPF(S) - W(SD2) 號表格)。積金局備有曾以永久離港為理由而成功提取強積金的計劃成員紀錄冊。

  5. www.mpfa.org.hk › en › mpf-systemEmployees - MPFA

    Employees. Self-employed Persons (SEPs) Different Ways of Making Contributions. Digitalization: A Winning Formula for Employers. Offences and Penalties. Regular employees. Expand All. How to calculate contributions? Relevant income. Contribution day. Contribution period. Remittance statement. Contribution record. Employees' Rights.

  6. www.mpfa.org.hk › en › mpf-systemMPF Coverage - MPFA

    MPF Coverage. Your Position. Homepage. MPF System. MPF Coverage. Except for exempt persons, employees and self-employed persons aged 18 to 64 are required to join an MPF scheme under the MPFSO. Employees.

  7. Your MPF is a retirement investment that lasts for decades. As a result, many employees consider it a matter for the future and leave their MPF unmanaged in the present. However, your MPF is an important asset. Like any other asset, the MPF held in your account belongs to you. By acting now, you can reap surprisingly big rewards in the future.

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