雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Station Location Maps and Layouts. Location maps showing leading hotels, shopping centres and major buildings and their nearest station exit are strategically positioned in high-profile locations on most station concourses. Station layouts are also available.

    • 港鐵路綫圖

      港鐵路綫圖. 請點選下列路綫圖以瀏覽或下載PDF檔。 街道圖 ...

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  2. MTR Mobile 關愛共乘應用程式 高速鐵路 連繫社區 「站見」鐵路展 港鐵展廊 心繫社區 港鐵車站藝術 可持續發展 港鐵學院 關於港鐵學院 本地課程 環球服務 ...

  3. 機場快綫早晨專綫服務. 乘客可使用有效八達通以優惠價港幣20元,乘搭機場快綫由九龍站或青衣站前往香港站。. 泊車轉乘. 泊車轉乘港鐵 - 慳錢又省時. 港鐵轉乘優惠幫你慳更多! 用八達通搭港鐵轉乘全港超過500條綠色專線小巴,即享$ 0.5 或以上轉乘優惠!.

  4. The MTR, the rapid transit system of Hong Kong, encompasses 10 heavy rail lines and 98 stations as of May 2022. The following list sorts the stations according to their service line. In addition to the 98 metro stations listed on this page, the MTR system also consists of 68 light rail stops and one high-speed rail terminus in the city.

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