雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. news.gov.hk is the source of online news, features and commentary from the Information Services Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Open in new window - Hong Kong Observatory website Open in new window - Hong

  2. A1. recently created or having started to exist recently. 新出現的;新興的. a new car 新車. She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas. 她極富創造力,總會想出新主意。 What have they decided to name the new baby? 他們決定給剛出生的嬰兒起甚麼名字? What's new in the fashion world? 時尚界有甚麼新潮流? We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.

  3. 首頁 | 香港科學館. 展覽精選. 更多. 極地科研與氣候變化展覽. 專題展覽. 科幻旅航. 專題展覽. 滅絕 · 新生. 常設展覽. 地球科學廳. 常設展覽. 生物多樣性展廳. 常設展覽. 活動. 更多. 會員尊享夜:科學奇想夜. 科幻旅航. 推廣及教育活動. 科學比賽. 「常識百搭」小學STEAM探究展覽. 科學比賽. 2024 科普快遞科學演示比賽. 生物多樣性工作坊. 地球科學工作坊. 兒童活動. 虛擬導覽. 更多. 能量穿梭機. DC-3型客機「貝茜號」 影片. 末日生存的法則. 李約瑟科技與文明基金會 STEAM教育公開講座. 兒童活動. 科學速遞. 能量球大賽科學館站. 由北極光看物質「第四態」 打風都打唔甩:熱帶氣旋與科氏力. 3D動畫事務所 (上集)

  4. A1. recently created or having started to exist recently. 新出现的;新兴的. a new car 新车. She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas. 她极富创造力,总会想出新点子。 What have they decided to name the new baby? 他们决定给刚出生的宝宝起什么名字? What's new in the fashion world? 时尚界有什么新潮流? We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.

  5. A1. recently created or having started to exist recently. 新出现的;新兴的. a new car 新车. She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas. 她极富创造力,总会想出新点子。 What have they decided to name the new baby? 他们决定给刚出生的宝宝起什么名字? What's new in the fashion world? 时尚界有什么新潮流? We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain competitive.

  6. new 的同義詞和反義詞. Thesaurus > recently appeared, arrived, or developed > new. These are words and phrases related to new. Click on any word or phrase to go to its thesaurus page. Or, 去往 new 的釋義。 RECENTLY APPEARED, ARRIVED, OR DEVELOPED. I bought a new suit for my interview. 同義詞與例句. brand new. informal.

  7. 1 天前 · CNN Business writer Clare Duffy talks to Julia Chatterley about Microsoft’s new AI model that can take a still image of a face and an audio clip of someone speaking and automatically create a ...

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