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  1. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供next step的中文意思,next step的用法讲解,next step的读音,next step的同义词,next step的反义词,next step的例句等英语服务。

  2. In professional settings, people say “next steps” when discussing the next actions that need to be taken in a project. But is “next steps” always the best way to get across that idea? This article will explore some alternatives to “next steps” that you can use in

  3. 英漢例句. the next step is to generate application code itself. 下一步是生成應用程序代碼本身。 once you ask your question the next step is to listen. 一旦你問完問題,下一個步就是傾聽。 move forward: do the next step in some project. 邁步向前 :做某個項目的下一步。 once you have downloaded what you need, the next step is to unzip each file. 下載了所需要的組件之后,下一個步驟就是將每個文件解壓。

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  5. an action taken to achieve something: Buying those shares was a good move. 買那些股票是明智之舉。 step uk / step/ us / step/ B2 noun. a stage in a process: What's the next step in the process? 這個企劃的下一步是甚麼? 行動步驟. path uk / pɑːθ/ us / pæθ/ B2 noun. a set of actions, especially ones that lead to a goal or result: The path to success is fraught with difficulties.

  6. 在下一个步骤. 后续步骤. 显示更多. The next step is analyzing this data. 下一步就是分析这些数据。 The next step was to improve the grinding circuits. 下一步是改善磨矿回路。 Simply choose your skin and proceed to the next step. 请选择您的皮肤,然后继续下一个步骤。 What will be your next step to overcome such a critical scenario? 什么将是你的下一个步骤,以克服这样一个关键场景?

  7. B1. to move by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different place, or to put your foot on or in something. 跨步,邁步;踩,踏. She stepped backwards and fell over a chair. 她向後退,被一把椅子絆倒。 They stepped out onto the balcony. 他們走出房間,來到陽臺上。 Be careful not to step in the mud. 小心,別踩進泥裡。 Ow, you stepped on my foot! 噢,你踩到我的腳!

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