雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 私人貸款邊間好?立即網上比較和申請銀行及財務公司私人貸款,包括Citibank﹑Welend﹑UA﹑DBS﹑東亞﹑眾安ZA等等,了解分期貸款計劃的貸款優惠﹑借貸利率﹑利息、手續費、每月還款額及MoneyHero獨家優惠回贈。想借低息私人貸款(P Loan)?免費用私人分期貸款計算機全面評估借錢風險!

  2. Looking for a bank loan in Hong Kong that fits your financial needs? MoneyHero has curated a list to help you decide the best bank loan products available on the market. Which bank is offering more competitive interest rates? What are the Annual Percentage Rate (APR), repayment terms, and additional benefits each bank is offering?

  3. We have curated a comprehensive list of personal instalment loans from various banks in Hong Kong, providing you with the flexibility to compare and choose the loan that suits you best. Easily compare the offers in terms of interest rates, APR (Annual Percentage Rate), repayment terms, and other benefits. Apply now with MoneyHero.

  4. 定存利息計算方法. 定期存款的利息是以本金、年利率和存款期計算出來,計算方法為:本金 x 年利率 x 存款期 = 利息. 以本金HK$10萬,年利率2%,存款期1年為例,可得利息 = HK$10萬 x 2% x 1 = HK$2,000. 若存款期不是整數,則按比例計算,例如本金HK$10萬,年利率2%,存款期9個月,可得利息 = HK$10萬 x 2% x (9/12) = HK$1,500. 回到頁面 | 定存利息計算機. 港元定存|短期定期存款利率比較. 近期銀行多提供高息短期定存優惠吸納短線資金,定期存款時長由7日、一個月到3個月不定。 短期定期存款勝在不會過份影響投資者的資金流動性,方便投資者作短期資金泊岸之用。

  5. 銀行服務. 唱散銀去邊到好? 收銀車/換幣龍/銀行兌換硬幣時間表、收費及特色比較. MoneyHero團隊. 最後更新於 05 一月, 2024. 金管局的收銀車(又稱散銀車/散紙車/神沙車)於全港18區輪流為市民提供唱散銀服務。 除了收銀車之外,市民亦可到換幣龍或各大銀行唱散銀。 收銀車的時間表及服務位置是甚麼? 收銀車及換幣龍提供哪些兌換方式? 經銀行唱散銀要多少手續費? MoneyHero 已為大家整合懶人包,比較收銀車、換幣龍及銀行唱散銀服務的特點。 一按即到相關段落: 唱散銀服務特點:收銀車 VS 換幣龍 VS 銀行 | 收銀車 | 換幣龍 | 滙豐銀行 | 恒生銀行 | 中信銀行 | 花旗銀行 | 星展銀行 | 常見問題.

  6. 2014年11月21日 · Your monthly interest (expressed in decimal form) is R, your loan tenor (expressed in months) is M, and the payment from your monthly income is P. The formula for calculating your maximum loan principal would look something like this: Maximum Loan Amount = P/R * {1 - [1 / (1+R)^M] } This is just a rough estimate.