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  2. You can instantly watch live and on-demand on phone, tablet and Smart TV App. Free with your subscription, download Now Player – Now TV app on your mobile or Now TV app on Smart TV. Bind your account, and start using now!

  3. For Now TV service termination / cancellation enquiries, you can fill in Now TV service enquiry form online, call our customer service hotline 1833 888 or visit PCCW/HKT shops or service centers.

  4. www.nowtv.now.com › get-startedSubscribe | Now TV

    Sign up with your mobile number & start watching selected free programmes, movies, TV series & live sports events on "Now TV App/Website" via mobile/tablet/website, as well as on "Now TV App" on Smart TV (Samsung TV, LG TV, Android TV and Panasonic

  5. www.nowtv.now.com › support › service-subscriptions申請服務問題 - Now TV

    以及有多少條頻道?. Now TV的多元化頻道組合 ,為客戶提供各類本地、亞洲及國際節目包括新聞、財經、電影、體育、兒童、娛樂、旅遊、飲食、生活時尚及綜藝節目。. 更有自選服務,為Now TV客户提供不同類形的節目選擇。. *「Now隨身睇」應用程式的「節目表 ...

  6. Now TV 帶給您不同類型的點播節目,包括綜藝娛樂,體育,兒童,知識,新聞, 4K節目。. 立即到"精選目錄"或以頻道種類選擇您喜愛的節目。.

  7. 2024年1月25日 · 【MOBILE】香港人對寬頻服務水平愈來愈多高,有見及此,HKT 宣佈推出全新品牌「1O1O HOME」,並繼承 1O1O 的卓越品質,透過一系列尊貴的服務為客戶,重新定義優越家居體驗!

  8. www.nowtv.now.com › support › installation-issuesInstallation Issues | Now TV

    Here you may find some answers to Now TV's installation issues regarding equipment, service provision and set top box replacement.

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