雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Subvented Nursing Homes provide residential care, meals, personal care, regular basic medical and nursing care for the elderly persons who suffer from poor health or physical/mental disabilities with deficiency in activities of daily living.

  2. 申請人須符合下列條件,方可入住護養院:‧年齡達65歲或以上*;‧透過「安老服務統一評估機制」被評為適合入住護養院;‧須符合以下最少一項條件,但在兩者中均不需要更深入的護理照顧:—健康情況穩定,但仍需要定時的基本醫療和護理照顧;以及/或. 安老服務科.社會福利署.2018 5年月. —身體長期殘疾,行動時需要協助(需要/不需要利用步行輔助器或輪椅),但活動非完全限制於輪椅上;以及‧精神狀態適合過群體生活,沒有持續的暴力傾向、自毀/自殘或滋擾行為。 人員編制. 專業人員編制包括註冊社會工作者、醫生、護士及專業治療師(例如物理治療師/職業治療師)。

  3. Type of Residential Care Homes. Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) in Hong Kong are operated by non-governmental organisations, non-profit making organisations and private organisations. In accordance with the mode of operation, RCHEs are generally classified into four types: Subvented Homes.

  4. 搜尋安老院. 備註: 服務使用者可在自由文字方塊鍵入個別安老院及/或認可服務單位的 繁體中文 名稱搜尋該安老院及/或認可服務單位的服務概覽,或選擇下列搜尋選項搜尋合適個人的服務。. (*只適用於非資助宿位。. 資助宿位的收費由政府釐訂。.

  5. Search for Residential Care Services. Residential Care Homes for the Elderly. Community Care Service Voucher Scheme for the Eldery. Name. Remarks: Service users can input the English name of individual Residential Care Home for the Elderly (RCHE) and/or Recognised Service Provider (RSP) in the free text box to get access to the service profile ...

  6. † For these homes, Care-and-Attention places with a Continuum-of-Care are to be created by phases and their existing hostel for the elderly and home for the aged places will eventually be fully phased out.

  7. Service Scope In order to generate more stable income for frail elderly to subsidize their late life medical and long term care expenses by releasing the potential values of their own property after they were admitted to nursing home facilities, Tung Wah first piloted the ...