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  3. 6) Utilize numbers when necessary and not merely ordinary and insipid claims. Using certain facts and figures can heighten your report because it makes it respected. But do not make it too formal, it should be easy and gentle included and move. Like-a friendly teac her having a little talk to an eager student.

  4. 2015年2月4日 · 毒物 在一定條件下,較小劑量就能夠對生物體産生損害作用或使生物體出現異常反應的外源化學物稱爲毒物(toxicant)。毒物可以是固體、液體和氣體,與機體接觸或進入機體後,能與機體相互作用,發生物理化學或生物化學反應,引起機體功能或器質性的損害,嚴重的甚至危及生命。