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  1. 2016年5月19日 · anything-from-japan.com. Odate bentwood, or magewappa, is characteristic of the Odate region in northern Akita Prefecture. Wood is split into narrow boards that then are immersed in boiling water and bent multiple times before the board is pegged into shape and left to dry. Odate magewappa is very popular for lunch boxes and containers for rice ...

  2. 神樂坂專門店 ACHO Kagurazaka巧克力棒. 「ACHO」是從販賣一個布丁所開始的,2001年於靜岡開設咖啡廳,現在在東京神樂坂設置全新的「ACHO Kagurazaka」專門店,靜岡轉為工廠經營。. 除了主打的各式布丁之外,ACHO還有提供精緻的烘焙甜點,像是「チョコレートバー巧 ...

  3. 2017年2月20日 · This Luxury Bus Gets You to Osaka in Style! Usually, overnight buses are the cheapest way to travel long distances in Japan. However, a ride on the Dream Sleeper, which just began service in January, from Ikebukuro, Tokyo to Osaka currently costs ¥18,000 (US$155), a discount from the usual rate of ¥20,000—compared to the approximately ¥ ...

  4. 2018年2月20日 · Well, it depends on what you mean by "authentic," and what you mean by "Japan!" As a modern city with an ancient past, truly "Japan" experiences in Tokyo run the gamut from traditional arts to modern otaku culture. Here are 16 truly "Japan" options from the very old to the very new! 16. Sit for a Tea Ceremony. A full-on chado or sado (茶道 ...

  5. 2021年10月26日 · Travel. > Traditions. Englishwoman, Buddhist Priest, Country Mom. Helen Alma Langford Updated October 26, 2021. Temples Historical Site Buddhism Monk Temples & Shrines Miyazaki Kyushu. Victoria Yoshimura arrived in Kyushu some 30 years ago, mere weeks after finishing her undergrad in Southampton, England.

  6. 2010年12月9日 · 另一個銀座起家的老舖是化妝品牌老字號資生堂。1872年福原有信在銀座開設了 "資生堂藥局",是日本第一家西式藥店,一開始主打是頭髮跟牙齒的產品,直到1897年開始推出化妝水 Eudermin,這個產品為資生堂帶來空前的成功,鼓勵了資生堂再推出更多的護膚化妝產品,鞏固了資生堂在化妝品界 ...

  7. 東京每個地區都有不同的特色,像是中目黑、代官山這一帶充滿著異國風情,生活步調比較緩慢悠哉,鬧中取靜,巷弄裡有不少時尚服飾、咖啡甜點店、居家雜貨等,如果是喜歡文青小店或是雜貨的人,絕對不能錯過。