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  1. chat.openai.comChatGPT

    ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations.

  2. Create images simply by describing them in ChatGPT. Invent new logos, comic strips, and photorealistic scenes right in the chat. You can bring your ideas to life with our most capable image model, DALL·E 3. Learn more.

  3. 2022年11月30日 · ChatGPT is a model that interacts in a dialogue format and can answer followup questions, admit mistakes, and reject inappropriate requests. It is trained using reinforcement learning from human feedback and fine-tuned from GPT-3.5.

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. platform.openai.com › loginOpenAI Platform

    Explore resources, tutorials, API docs, and dynamic examples to get the most out of OpenAI's developer platform.

  6. 2024年4月1日 · Starting today, you can use ChatGPT instantly, without needing to sign-up. We're rolling this out gradually, with the aim to make AI accessible to anyone curious about its capabilities. We may use what you provide to ChatGPT to improve our models for everyone.

  7. 2024年4月12日 · ChatGPT is a free app that syncs your history across devices and brings you the newest model improvements from OpenAI. You can use it for instant answers, tailored advice, creative inspiration, professional input, and learning opportunities.

  8. 2023年2月20日 · 由於 ChatGPT 現時不支援香港地區,想不經第三方軟件直接登入 ChatGPT 就要用 VPN。 1. 用 VPN 翻牆到 ChatGPT 支援的國家,本例是選擇英國倫敦。 2. 為免 ChatGPT 透過讀取瀏覽器資料知道您來自香港,以瀏覽器的私密模式瀏覽 ChatGPT ,點擊右邊「Sign up」按鈕。 ChatGPT 網頁: 按此. 3. 輸入電郵地址. 4. 輸入最少 8 個字母、數字或符號的密碼. 5. 系統會寄發確認電郵到你的郵箱. 6. 點擊電郵裡的「Verify email address」按鈕確認電郵地址. 7. 輸入你的姓名. 8. OpenAI 會以 SMS 確認用戶身份,所以會要求用戶輸入一個可以接收 SMS 當地電話號碼,本例是英國倫敦的電話號碼. 9.