雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. No.2 Parking Management Office. +81 120-14-5350. * Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. * It may be difficult to reach the office late at night.

  2. Passengers using P-3 should contact the P1 administration office (0120-03-2253) before they exit the car park.Staff will arrive in about 10 minutes. Guide by type of customer Customers with Visual Disabilities Customers with Walking Disabilities Customers with ...

  3. 1,570 JPY (Fixed charge) After the first 24 hours up to 120 hours (2nd to 5th day) 210 JPY per 30 minutes (Maximum of 1,570 JPY per 24 hours) More than 120 hours (After 6th day) 7,850 JPY up to 120 hours+ 530 JPY per 24 hours. * Motorcycle parking is available at P-1, P-2 and cargo area parking lots. * Bus parking is available for P-1 and P-3.

  4. 场 第1航站楼、第2航站楼设有停车场。第3航站楼的旅客请使用第2航站楼的停车场。费用(普通车) 260日元/30分钟(1天最多2,100日元) 停车位数量 普通车约1,800个车位 停车场类别 平面停车场及立体停车场(地面6层、地面3层)

  5. 服务・设施详情 停车场、停车场打折优惠. 停车场、停车场打折优惠. 第1航站楼前的停车场(P-1、P-5)、第2航站楼前的停车场(P-2)有供身体不便旅客使用的“专用车位”。. 有关具体停车位置等,请询问停车场内的工作人员。.

  6. If you use Narita Airport parking in the early morning or late at night,don‘t miss it! Parking charges are discounted for cars that enter between midnight and 08:00 a.m. or leave between 10:00 p.m. and 02:00 a.m. 50% discount is offered for 6 hours or more of parking

  7. 普通約150個位,大型巴士約40個位 停車場類別 平面停車場 最近的候機樓 T2 關閉 依旅客類別說明 需要協助的旅客 在P-1、P-2、P-5 設有專用的停車位。專用停車場・停車場優惠服務 騎摩托車前來的旅客 只有P-1、P-2可以停車。搭乘大型巴士前來的旅客 ...