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  1. PALLET翻譯:(堆高機裝卸或搬運貨物用的)托盤,貨板,集裝架。了解更多。

  2. PALLET翻译:(铲车装卸或搬运货物用的)托盘,货板,集装架。了解更多。

  3. PALLET的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a flat wooden structure that heavy goods are put onto so that they can be moved using a…。了解更多。

  4. pallet中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. (Pallet)人名;(法)帕萊n. 托盤,貨板;簡陋小床;調色板。英漢詞典提供【pallet】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  5. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供pallet的中文意思,pallet的用法讲解,pallet的读音,pallet的同义词,pallet的反义词,pallet的例句等英语服务。

  6. pallet 的名詞複數 Dr.eye 譯典通 pallet truck n. 叉式裝卸車 牛津中文字典 更多解釋 pallet KK[ˋpælɪt] DJ[ˋpælit] n. (當地舖用的)草褥,床墊;簡陋小床[C] a pallet ...

  7. 主頁 - 泰興祥 - 卡板包裝材料. 自設國內生產廠房. 直接可靠供應鏈. 專營社企政府投標. SINCE 1968. 創於香港 與時並進.

  8. Pallet. Solid Wood Pallets are durable and economical with flexible sizes and strong loading capacity. They are commonly used in warehouses and logistic terminals.

  9. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › PalletPallet - Wikipedia

    A pallet (also called a skid) is a flat transport structure, which supports goods in a stable fashion while being lifted by a forklift, a pallet jack, a front loader, a jacking device, or an erect crane. Many pallets can handle a load of 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).

  10. 註: U PALLET只提供網上平台予客戶轉賣,若有任何損失,例如動載及新舊程序等不足,恕不負責。 專營全新及二手卡板買賣、全天候24小時網上報價、14日內散貨回港保證、並設有卡板回收服務、更有全港首創免費平台任你轉賣!

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