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  1. 2020年3月27日 · https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fh9csFiy5_E. 5G’s increased speed and capacity will make video downloads up to 100x faster. Customers will need a 5G-equipped phone, and unlimited data plans will cost just over 70 dollars (7,650 yen) per month.

  2. 2020年10月1日 · 5G technology is known for boosting the speed and volume of data transfer on mobile networks. The first 5G-capable phones actually hit the Japanese market in February, 2020, though the ability to utilize 5G networks has yet to become ubiquitous

  3. 2017年12月4日 · While Japan is far behind other developed counties in terms of free Wi-Fi/internet access, things have gotten a lot better over the last few years. It's now at the point where you really don’t need to take out an expensive roaming Wi-Fi plan or rent a Japanese

  4. Honda Motor plans to start selling the world’s first commercially available Level 3 automated cars by the end of March 2021. Level 3 vehicles can drive autonomously by detecting the environment around them, not needing driver input. 5G Experience in Tokyo. Technology Smartphones.

  5. 成田機場美食推薦1:日本版速食料理「茶泡飯」|だし茶漬けえん. 看似簡單快速的「茶泡飯」,被視為日本版速食料理,其實高湯裡蘊含的學問最大,平凡無奇的清湯卻擁有深度美味,只有親自吃過才能體會。. 使用數種魚乾和昆布熬煮的和風高湯,其中混合 ...

  6. 廣大的日本九州有著獨自的文化,受氣候與土壤的恩惠更孕育出不少個性豐富的景觀,個性迥異的七縣的自然之美,更擁有著魅力肆溢的觀光資源。本篇網羅有16個九州絕景景點,同時根據行程參與的難易度,劃分成簡單、普通、困難三個階段,預計前往九州自由行的旅人,別忘了搭配那些景點為 ...

  7. 相較於高檔飯店的價格,商務旅館的預算大概需要抓在4,000~10,000日元左右,對於預算有限卻不想委屈自己的旅人來說,在出行開銷與住宿開銷之間找到個平衡點,且享受住宿本身,正是這篇文章的主要意圖,下面介紹的5家商務連鎖旅館不妨check一下。

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