雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 提供全面滅蟲及防治服務及處理各項的蟲鼠問題. 本公司員工均有豐富及專業的滅蟲經驗更是香港蟲害控制從業員協會 PCPA 及美國害蟲管理協會NPMA的會員。 本公司會定期安排員工於香港大學專業進修學院修讀並取得”蟲害控制及安全使用殺蟲藥課程及格證書”.務求達至最佳滅蟲效果和專業保証。 Regent Pest Control’s technicians, who are members of the PCPA & NPMA, are well trained and highly experienced in pest control services.

  2. Our Hong Kong pest control team of experienced technicians and specialists are ready to deal with your pest control problems quickly and safely. We offer: Fast, effective pest treatments - targeted and appropriate for your specific pest problem. Pest proofing and advice - helping to prevent further infestations.

  3. 1. Pest Guy 百仕佳蟲害防治有限公司. Contact number: +85223215222. Address: Unit 1001-1002, 10/F,, Max Trade Centre,, 23 Luk Hop Street, San Po Kong, Hong Kong. Google Map Location: Pest Guy, a leading pest control service provider, has been in operation since its establishment in 2004.

  4. 香港清潔滅蟲服務有限公司 | HK Hygiene & Pest Control Limited. 責任. 提供優質而專業滅蟲和消毒清潔服務. 專業. 我們更不斷提升服務水平及產品質素. 技術. 站在客戶的角度去想之所想解之所需,極力追求完美. 信譽. 保證我們所提供的服務是物超所值及安全可靠. My Store.

  5. 滅蟲主要有以下三個方式: 黃氏清潔服務 (香港)有限公司希望提升害蟲管理的服務質素及透明度因此在一般情況客戶可以根據個人想法或需要選擇心儀的滅蟲方法。 不同滅蟲藥水的選擇: 黃氏清潔服務 (香港)有限公司為了給客戶更多選擇及更多元化的滅蟲服務,因而精選了三款不同的藥水,以供客戶在滅蟲時選擇使用! *當客戶抺走滅蟲藥水後,滅蟲效能便會隨之失去。 黃氏滅蟲服務:專業、多元化、透明化. 2018 星級辦公室清潔服務大獎 黃氏清潔專業服務 (長片) 為何要選擇我們! 為何要選擇黃氏清潔服務 (香港)有限公司的滅蟲服務? 黃氏清潔服務 (香港)有限公司一直致力為香港大眾提供一站式滅蟲服務! 而黃氏滅蟲服務的專業優勢如下: 黃氏清潔服務 (香港)有限公司不是滅蟲藥分銷商,而是服務提供者。

  6. Rat. Booklice. Pest Control Service. Check out what our pest control services include. Efficient Pest Control services. From $700. Suitable for general new residences and commercial units for pest prevention. Includes 1/2 basic services and a 7/30-day free maintenance as a complete package.

  7. 一站式服務. 1) 預約 / 上門檢查. 2) 免費報價. 3) 蟲害治理. 本公司信譽良好,擁有經驗豐富的滅蟲團隊,致力為顧客提供高質素的滅蟲服務,及專業霧化消毒服務,採用先進的儀器配合專業的技術,為客戶創造舒適和衛生的生活和良好的工作環境。 我們所使用的環保除害劑是香港漁農處驗證認可,安全有效,信心保證。

  8. Asia Pest Control limited provide superior fumigation services and pest control for local industial, commercial and residential customers. About Us. 50+ Years. Experience. Fumigation. Pest Control. Safe and Reliable Operation Team. On Call 24/7. Kwai Chung fumigation facility serves around-the-clock. 24-hour service hotline.

  9. Why Creative Pest Control Services Termite Control Ant Control Red Imported Fire Ant Control Cockroach Control Fleas Control Fly Control Mosquito Control Rodent Control Snake Prevention Wasp Control Bird Control Products Bug Defence Professional Mist

  10. 3 pest-control methods: Wongs Cleaning Services HK Company provide 3 mothods depending on our clients' needs. Different types of Pesticide: Different types of pesticide are provided by Wongs Cleaning Services (Hong Kong) Company Limited for customers to choose. *After erasing, the function of pesticide will be fail. 2018 星級辦公室清潔服務大獎 黃氏清潔專業服務 (長片)

  11. 1.電話或電郵預約. 收到客户查詢後,技術人員會跟客戶約定檢查地點及時間. 2. 實地視察. 在約定的時間及地點,本公司會派出專業檢測人員到場檢查蟲害問題及了解客戶需要. 3.即時報價. 本公司會根據服務場所之面積大小及服務種類為客戶作出報價. 4.蟲害防治. 本公司的專業技術團隊將會到訪服務地點,為客戶找出蟲害源頭並加以消滅. 服務種類. 蟑螂及飛蟲. 手泵噴灑:採用日本等地進口之專業滅蟲手泵,將低味滅蟲藥液噴灑在害蟲可能接觸的表面及出沒的地方 (例如牆邊及角落),害蟲接觸後便會中毒死亡。 此滅蟲方式效力可通常可維持數星期不等。 電泵焗霧:將歐美進口之滅蟲藥劑壓縮成微粒子煙霧,飄浮於空氣中接觸害蟲,深入人類肉眼難以察覺的位置,使害蟲無一倖免,達到更徹底的防治效果。

  12. Call us. Contact Us. Name of Contact Person. Telephone (+852) Email. Premise type. Reason for Contact. Address / Area code. Being bed bugs free. Say goodbye to bed bug worries at your home or hotel! Our expert services provide unbeatable bed bug outbreak prevention and treatment. Plus, we offer exclusive training programs to equip your hotel staff.

  13. 專業的pest control service有受過專業訓練的除蟲人員,在查看居家環境的實際情況後,根據害蟲生存的環境、生長習性等因素,一方面提供環境改善建議,通過環境改造,使其不適合蟲類生存,讓蟲子主動離開;另一方面,設定合理、科學的滅蟲計畫,從根源上消滅蟲子的生存的環境和繁衍的空間,再也不會反復遭受蟲害之苦,解決防治蟲害的煩惱。 史偉莎 LBS Hygiene Pest Control Service 為客戶提供優質及專業的滅蟲服務。 在兩岸四地均取得認可的滅蟲資格,不論家居或商業,各類大小蟲害防治都能為客戶妥善處理,更特設網上即時報價服務。

  14. About Us. Professional Pest Control is a British owned and managed boutique Hong Kong company, offering clients a personalised service from inspection to treatment, with a comprehensive follow up programme. Monthly Maintenance. Our Monthly Maintenance Program has been developed to ensure you a pest free-living and/or working space.

  15. BioCycle® puts its focus on the breeding cycle of insects and delivers a series of strategic 3D treatments in order to eradicate insects and pests effectively and permanently. With the BioCycle® client satisfaction guarantee, you will enjoy a worry-free control of pest at your premises. We use safe insecticides as a vital element during treatment.

  16. which provided by University of HK 'SPACE' - Pest Control. and Pesticide Safety Core Course. We apply registered safe insecticides to completely. eliminate roaches, termites, fleas, mosquitoes and flies. with long lasting effect and safety for human and pets. 提供全面滅蟲及防治服務及處理各項的蟲鼠問題. 服務範圍包括 ...

  17. Promote Eco Friendly and SustainablePest Control Measures. Reduce Pollutions, Ensuring Health for Your Family and Pets. Found in 1947, started from termite control, Johnson Group has now been developed into a team of professionals specifies in all kinds of pest control, with our network expanded to abroad to Taiwan as well.


  19. 2023年11月24日 · Rodent. Other pests. Vector-borne diseases. Record of animal specimens handled. Pesticides. Education and Publicity. Pest Control Newsletter and Pest-in-brief. Reference Materials. Last revision date: 24 Nov 2023.

  20. 1952年,贝特谢梅什涌入了大量来自伊朗、伊拉克、罗马尼亚:摩洛哥和伊拉克库尔德斯坦的移民。在20世纪90年代,来自前苏联、以埃塞俄比亚语和英语为母语的国家的移民大量涌入了贝特谢梅什。最近几年,贝特谢梅什讲英语的以色列人的数量也大幅增加,很多来自北美、英国、南非和澳大利亚。

  21. 每小時當地天氣預報、天氣狀況、預測、露點、濕度、風速,盡在 Weather.com 和 The Weather Channel

  22. 2022年10月10日 · 貝特謝梅什,希伯來語意為太陽之城,《聖經》中也多次提及,意為猶大王國的城邦,有着濃郁的猶太傳統和異域風情。 貝特謝梅什市擁有眾多的文化古蹟,耶路撒冷古城、雅法老城、馬薩達古城堡均得到較好的保護。貝特謝梅什市共有大中小學校40多所,在校學生共計9322人。

  23. Pest Control in Beit Shemesh • Everything you want to know - addresses, opening hours, recommendations, phones and more. Everything around you.

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