雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. POSH HKSalesEnquiry@posh.com.hk Rm 4707-13, 47/F, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen’s Road East Wan Chai, HK Contact Us Showroom Visit Request Sales or Warranty Enquiry Media or Marketing Enquiry Visit Us Locations in Central and Wanchai Hong ...

  2. www.posh.com.hk › productsProducts | POSH

    POSH offers an extensive product portfolio, from leading office and healthcare furnishings, to high-performance seating and storage.

  3. 快意...給您一個全新的辦公室形像憑藉擁有超過三十年生產辦公室傢俬的經驗我們自信不但能生產高質素及多功能的辦公室傢俬更能為您提供一直備受好評──富有美感而時尚新穎的辦公室傢俬無論是辦公室傢俱還是户外傢俬均能在快意找到最合心意的時尚產品設計快意致力設計研發及生產高質素的辦公室傢俬並搜羅來自世界各地的頂尖設計解決您辦公室的各項需求打造靈活舒適且美觀的工作環境歡迎親臨陳列室參觀

  4. www.posh.com.hk › campaigns › atlas-office-landscapeHerman Miller Dealer | POSH

    An intelligent system. Reflecting Herman Miller’s long history and expertise in pioneering innovative work systems, Atlas Office Landscape differs from a standard sit-to-stand desking system. A simplified and consistent approach to both componentry and electric options makes configuring and creating large groups of height-adjustable desks as ...

  5. POSH SHOP, 香港. 3,082 個讚好 · 2 人正在談論這個 · 11 次簽到. A Herman Miller Company

  6. 科譽(香港)有限公司(英文: POSH Office Furniture,全名Project Office de Sun Hing,簡稱POSH ),前身係一間香港公司,叫做新興鋼具,嚮1959年創立。 嚮 1994年 ,新興鋼具開咗呢間科譽(香港)有限公司, 註冊 POSH 做 商標 ,賣時尚 辦公室 傢俬

  7. HK Office Design 亦特設老木匠Tailor-made Office Furniture),為您度身訂做理想辦公室傢俬包括工作枱辦公椅儲物櫃接待處及會議枱等以滿足辦公室美觀及個性的需要

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