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  1. 2019年9月28日 · Australia. One woman's story of why being able to grow old in your own home matters. As Australia’s aged care royal commission prepares to deliver its interim report next month, experts are calling for more support to keep elderly people out of nursing homes. This is Ivy’s story.

  2. The old-age dependency ratio — the number of working-age people available to support one older person — has decreased from 13 in 1970 to four in 2020. This is why the Singaporean government has made it a priority to come up with new solutions for aged care. One solution is the provision of. integrated care. .

    • Angelique Chan
  3. 2022年6月2日 · One in three senior Australians live alone, according to the Department of Social Services. During the pandemic, particularly during the first wave of lockdowns in early 2020, loneliness was listed as the top personal stressor in an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) survey.

  4. 2023年12月12日 · Latest. 新调查:年轻人多大就应搬离父母家? 澳大利亚各世代有何看法? 一份新报告揭示,无论是婴儿潮一代还是Z世代,众多澳大利亚人对于年轻人应该何时搬离父母家的年龄有着相同的看法。 Australians should be living out of home by their mid-20s, according to a new report. Source: Getty / Richard Drury. 澳大利亚正经历着住房危机,房租和房价飞涨,但这好像并没影响澳大利亚人对年轻人多大就应离开父母家的看法。 在Canstar最新发布的《消费者脉搏(Consumer Pulse)》报告中,2072名成年受访者中有一半人就这一问题发表看法。

  5. 2020年11月27日 · 10:48. Source: AAP. 下载SBS Audio应用程序. 其他收听方式. Published 27 November 2020 9:53am. Updated 27 November 2020 3:50pm. Source: SBS. 我是一名澳大利亚养老金 (age pension)领取者,如果短期出国旅游或长期在海外定居,我的养老金会受到影响吗? 华人服务社(CASS)社工卢静介绍,在国外居住能否领取澳大利亚养老金决于几个因素,包括离开澳大利亚的时间长短、资产和收入是否发生变化以及养老退休金是否通过与另一个国家的社会保障协议交付。 在澳大利亚领取养老金,除了符号年龄要求和进行资产测试外,还要满足在澳居住条件的要求。

  6. Ageing without a home | SBS Voices. Some older Australians may have been employed all their life, raised children and paid taxes. And then in their latter years, as their health deteriorates and rents rise, they become homeless. SBS explains how it could happen to anyone.

  7. , introduced in 1909 with an annual rate of $52, is designed to provide income support to older Australians who meet age and income requirements. The system is funded by Australian taxpayers and accounts for the largest single item of social security spending.