雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. HKCE的測量工程文憑更獲香港學術及職業資歷評審局評審為香港資歷架構第3級課程專為有志投身建築及測量界的年青人而設由淺入深打好根基一步一步踏上成為測量師或工程師之路課程範圍包括 : 建築測量 (Building Surveying) 工料測量 (Quantity Surveying) 土地測量 (Land Surveying) 工餘兼讀課程為考取專業資格邁出第一步早報讀早踏上成功之路! 入學資格. 完成中五 (HKCEE)或中六 (HKDSE)或同等學歷或年滿21歲;及. HKCEE / HKDSE英文及數學合格或同等學歷;或通過學院之入學試/面試. 課程對象. 適合在職人士或有興趣投身工程測量界的人士.

  2. 成功修畢整個課程(4個單元)可授予工料測量實務專業證書」。 「工料測量實務專業證書內各單元亦可單獨報讀費用如下: CON4008X: HK$5,220

  3. Quantity Surveying Practice. 3. Tendering and Contract Management. 修讀每單元需15小時,合共45小時. 課程大崗: 單元1 Measurement and Estimating. 認識量度數量. 量度條型基礎 (Strip Foundation) 內外牆 + 裝修/石矢結構/認識工程預算方式. 一般估算技巧. 單元2 Quantity Surveying Practice. 認識工料測量. 量度樓宇/承包商架構/分判. 計算量款及最終結算. 成本及財務報告. 單元3 Tendering and Contract Management. 招標/投標基本概念. 分擔風險/採購策略. 招標工作. 投標評審. 圍標/防止賄賂條例.

  4. 希望成為專業工料測量師或提升你在這方面的專業技能. 希望成為這些專業學會的成員: RICS、HKIS、CIOB、CABE、HKICM 及 CICES. 你希望專攻工料測量及合同成本管理. 本課程包含八個科目及一份報告。 所有科目各佔20學分,報告則佔40學分。 我們的課程極具彈性,可以在秋季或春季開始。 學生每個學期可選擇修讀科目的數量,配合學習與生活平衡。 課程最長完成時間為6年。 本課程的畢業生均可申請以下專業學會的見習會籍:RICS、HKIS、CIOB、CABE、HKICM 及 CICES。 科目. 你將會修讀: 2024年秋季入學. 2025年春季入學. 網上學習.

    • Non-Lecture Activities
    • Assessment
    • Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) of The Programme
    • Academic Progression

    Apart from formal lectures and tutorials, there are non-lecture activities: 1. BIM Workshop 1.1. Students are taught with the latest technologies of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Computer Laboratory. 2. Multidisciplinary Workshop 2.1. Students are divided in groups according to their chosen streams, and carry out activities including case...

    Assessments for the majority of modules are based on a 3 hour examination and an assignment.
    There is one module under each stream for which assessment is through a Practical Professional Project with real project data.

    On completion of the programme, students should be able to 1. articulate the principal features of the real estate market, construction industry and the roles of the different streams of surveying profession in Hong Kong; 2. explain fundamental concepts, knowledge and skills in carrying out professional tasks of a surveyor; Depending on which strea...

    Graduates of this programme will normally be offered credit exemptions for taking the following programmes of the University College of Estate Management (UCEM): 1. BSc (Hons) Building Surveying 2. BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying 3. BSc (Hons) Real Estate Management 1. 2 evenings a week. with occasional weekend site visits / workshops. 12 months, par...

  5. 工料測量是專門學科主要把工程圖則化為數量制定物料預算學院課程除教導專門知識外亦提供前線運作知識令畢業生更容易適應工作環境

  6. 課程進修資助計劃 持續進修基金 本課程已加入持續進修基金可獲發還款項課程名單內 持續進修基金課程編號 31F137602 持續進修基金課程名稱 Professional Diploma in Quantity Surveying 持續進修基金課程生效日期 2020.11.16 持續進修基金課程有效期 2026.08

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