雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. For me: Katarina. You can win the the lane, stomp her until 20-25 min and camp until the end of the times; but once she start to get kills like double or triple kill at times, all your work is at least 80% wasted. Depending on the champ that you are playing, you become free kill if you don't pay attention.

  2. Hello everyone, I’m doing my PhD in marketing and I’m focusing on esports sponsorships. Until the end of 2019, I will be doing 4 different surveys on this topic. Each survey will be launched only once and on different months to avoid fatiguing the community. The only exception is the 2nd survey which will be launched a second time, one ...

  3. List of ChampionMains Subreddits. List of official r/ChampionMains subreddits. 22. u/topCyder. •. Summoner School - Learn how to Play. https://reddit.com/r/SummonerSchool. u/topCyder. •. eSports VODs. https://reddit.com/r/LoLEventVoDs. u/topCyder. •. League of Legends eSports. https://reddit.com/r/lolesports.

  4. 2021年12月13日 · 原文出處: Reddit LOL 官方論壇. 翻譯來源: 遊戲大亂鬥 ;翻譯作者: 南瓜王. FB臉書粉專 / 社團: 南瓜王FB 、 遊戲討論FB社團. 圖/翻攝自:Riot Games. 據 Reddit 貼文,一名擁有八年以上遊戲經歷的老玩家,第一次體驗銅牌場,結果讓他大開眼界,並表示現在會開始尊重銅學,能夠在這種地獄場生存不容易。 圖/翻攝自:Reddit. 昨天是我八年以來第一次打銅牌場... 我的天啊,這到底是什麼垃圾場。 我現在開始會尊重銅牌玩家,他們有著強大的心理韌性。 我才打了六場就足以讓我心態炸裂一整個禮拜。 我從 S4 開始玩,賽季牌位大概在白金到低位鑽石浮動,取決於我投入了多少時間。 所以我自認實力還不錯,但肯定不算高端(不然我至少要上過一次鑽三)。

  5. 2021年12月15日 · 未登入的勇者,要加入 12 樓的討論嗎?. 原文出處Reddit LOL 官方論壇 翻譯來源:遊戲大亂鬥;翻譯作者:南瓜王 FB臉書粉專 / 社團:南瓜王FB、遊戲討論FB社團 圖/翻攝自:Riot Games 據 Reddit 貼文,網友偶爾會打幾場隨機單中,卻發覺現在遊戲速度怎麼 ...

  6. r/leagueoflegends. Look for games, discuss removing Yuumi, complain about your jungler. An extension of the r/leagueoflegends subreddit. | 462444 members.

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