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  1. 三、前16名膠原蛋白品牌一次看. 大研生醫 極妍蜂王乳膠原蛋白粉包. 膠原蛋白粉推薦2:三得利 蜜露珂娜膠原蛋白. 膠原蛋白粉推薦3:明治 膠原蛋白粉. 膠原蛋白粉推薦4:老行家 燕窩膠原蛋白. 膠原蛋白粉推薦5:日本Asahi 朝日膠原蛋白粉. 膠原蛋白粉推薦6 ...

  2. Dry eye syndrome is a chronic eye condition, typically caused by inadequate production of tears or poor tear quality, leading to symptoms such as dryness, stinging, a gritty sensation, and blurred vision. Learn more about the common symptoms, nutritional supplements, and effective treatment methods for dry eye syndrome. Top 10 Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome! […]

  3. 中薬では、金銀花は解熱解毒、火を冷ます抗炎症、風邪や熱を散らす、経絡を通じて活気づけるといった作用があり、特に熱性の病気、赤く腫れた痛み、発熱、風邪、喉の痛みや渇き、便中の膿血、発疹、発斑などを治療するのに適しています。. 金銀花の ...

  4. Through video communication, remote doctors and local doctors can jointly diagnose patients. The purpose is to: 1. Enhance the accessibility of medical services in mountainous, remote, and island areas. 2. Enhance local medical resources and implement localized medical care. Remote doctors mainly provide professional medical advice, while local ...

  5. Lately, cosmetic acupuncture, also known as collagen facial acupuncture, has gained significant popularity and has found its way into the beauty routines of many women. Curious about traditional Chinese medicine cosmetic acupuncture and its effects on maintaining beauty? This article compiles information on the pricing, principles, effects, treatment duration, and contraindications of ...

  6. PSA(Prostate-Specific Antigen)是攝護腺特異性抗原的英文縮寫,它是攝護腺上皮細胞分泌的1種醣蛋白,主要是攝護腺癌抽血檢查的指標。. 如果癌細胞破壞基底層,就會造成血液中的PSA濃度上升, 一般人的攝護腺指數正常值為4ng/ml以下 ,如果指數有異常升高的現象 ...

  7. Urinary incontinence is now included in the coverage range of chronic diseases. In the past, patients needed to pay about NTD$20,000-30,000 out-of-pocket. Nowadays, urinary incontinence patients only need to pay 10% of the cost of medical consumables for surgery , greatly reducing the financial burden.