雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港莎莎網店提供多種熱賣護膚、美妝、個人護理、修身美肌、保健產品及精選優惠供您選購。買滿HK$300即免運費!消費送積分,積分當錢洗!消費滿HK$600成為莎莎VIP,專享

  2. 香港莎莎網店提供多種熱賣護膚、美妝、香水、修身美肌、個人護理、保健及各種生活百貨供您選購。 香港地區滿$100即享免費門店自取; 滿$300即享免費送貨上門。 消費送積分 購滿HK$600可成為莎莎VIP,享全年95折!(品牌故事)

  3. www.sasa.com.hk › shop › introduce香港莎莎網店

    Sasa eShop - the ultimate beauty & health online shop. Sasa eShop offers access to the best beauty and health products. Skincare, fragrance, makeup, slimming, haircare, nailcare, bath and body care, health and beauty supplements, and men's products - it's all here. Sasa.com.hk supports online order shipping in HKSAR China and Macau SAR China.

  4. Sasa Hong Kong 莎莎香港. 347,089 個讚好 · 1,124 人正在談論這個. 莎莎香港官方專頁 Youtube:http://www.youtube.com/sasahongkong 官方網站: http://corp.sasa.com.

  5. 香港莎莎網(Sasa.com)提供多種美容保健產品,我們的品質檢驗團隊會確保出售正貨及貨品在保質期內。 每星期也會為您喜愛的產品送上特惠折扣。 Notice: Shipment to CA, AU & USA Temporarily Suspended

  6. Sasa.com - the ultimate online beauty & health shop. Sasa.com offers worldwide around-the-clock access to the best beauty and health products. Skincare, fragrance, makeup, slimming, haircare, nailcare, bath and body care, health and beauty supplements, and men's products - it's all here.

  7. Sasa is a leading beauty retailer in Asia. Our official sites offer a vast range of products, including skincare, makeup, perfume, healthcare, body & hair care products, with 24/7 online shopping services to customers from over 190 countries and regions.

  8. Sasa is a leading beauty retailer in Asia. Our official sites offer a vast range of products, including skincare, makeup, perfume, healthcare, body & hair care products, with 24/7 online shopping services to customers from over 190 countries and regions.

  9. 香港莎莎网 (Sasa.com)提供多种美容保健产品,我们的品质检验团队会确保出售正品及货品在保质期内。. 每星期也会为您喜爱的产品送上特惠折扣。.

  10. www.sasa.com.hk › Shop › Introduce香港莎莎網店

    請將退貨郵寄到莎莎:SASA Dot Com 退貨部, Tel: 852-2896 2555/2975 2179, 香港葵涌貨櫃碼頭3號5樓B座 5008E,亞洲貨櫃物流中心。 所有退貨產品必須使用提供訂單追蹤服務之快遞公司如CXC,順豐快遞,香港郵政進行郵寄(不接受掛號信件/郵包, 不接受門市退貨),並需先付回程運費,莎莎網店恕不接受收貨人支付 ...

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