2024年4月17日 · The Seishun 18 Kippu (ticket) is an affordable way of traveling around Japan on the JR network. For ¥12,050, all local trains on the network are included on an unlimited basis. The ticket is not valid on express trains that require seat bookings, including the bullet train (shinkansen).
以輕鬆享受鐵路旅行的列車為宗旨,利用過往日本國鐵時期作為新快速列車行駛於京阪神地區的車輛117系加以改造,為了滿足各種旅行模式的需求,每節車廂更設置了不同形態的座位,像是夜間不熄燈讓夜貓子也能搭乘的車廂、日間是座椅而入夜則變成沙發床的車廂,還有女性專屬車廂,以及方便小情侶你儂我儂之外,亦適合家裡有小朋友、怕吵到同車旅客的小家庭的客室車廂。 值得一提的是,「WEST EXPRESS 銀河」的價位設定高貴不貴,以大阪站至出雲市站為例,綠色車廂個室席(乘車券+特急費用+綠色車廂個室費用)在16,480日圓起,相較於日本其他的豪華寢台列車,不另外收取寢台費用的「WEST EXPRESS 銀河」售價相對平易近人。 日本目前唯一僅存的定期寢台特急列車「Sunrise Express」
2018年1月19日 · From here, there are two options to get into Hokkaido. One is to pay an additional fee to take the ferry across the water, and the other is to continue to Okutusgaru-Imabetsu on another local train and pay a small fee to use the shinkansen to get across to
How many Dangan ferry routes are there in Japan?
Where is the fastest ferry from Japan to South Korea?
How much does a Dangan ferry cost?
2018年11月27日 · A Seishun 18 ticket, valid for five consecutive days of travel, actually costs ¥11,850 (US$106), or ¥2,370 per day. One person can use the Seishun 18 for five days, or it can be split by up to five people. With this seasonal ticket, one can actually go all the way to Kansai, the West Japan region where Osaka and Kyoto are located.
2022年7月6日 · DBS Cruise Ferry operates a single ferry that departs every Wednesday for Sakaiminato in Tottori Prefecture, making a stop in Donghae, South Korea, on the way. It's 19 hours from Vladivostok to Donghae, then (after a 9-hour layover) a further 15 hours to Sakaiminato.
2018年12月3日 · Travelers on the Dangan Ferry plan can choose from one of three routes. Two routes start in Osaka, with one heading to Oita Prefecture’s Beppu (which boasts some of Japan’s most popular hot springs) and the other to Shibushi in Kagoshima Prefecture. The Third Dangan Ferry route sails between Kobe and Oita City.
2018年1月3日 · You can reach Sendai from Nagoya and Hokkaido using the Taiheiyo Ferry. Fares change (a lot!) depending on the season and the type of ferry, with shared cabins starting from a little more than ¥7,000 from Hokkaido and around the same from Nagoya. The