2008年5月28日 · In determining how the building height restriction in an OZP should be given, a number of factors would be taken into account, including the local character of the area, existing building height profile, urban design policy, findings of relevant studies or
分區計劃大綱圖(「大綱圖」)所載的建築物高度限制,可以以層數、米或香港主水平基準以上多少米等方式來訂明。. 在決定應以什麼方式在大綱圖內訂明建築物高度限制時,當局會考慮多個因素,包括有關地區的特色、現時的建築物高度概況、城市設計政策 ...
2009年11月25日 · President, The Police and the Housing Department ("HD") are deeply concerned about recent incidents of objects being dropped from height in built-up areas and public rental housing ("PRH") estates. My reply, which incorporates the information provided by this bureau, Security Bureau and the Home Affairs Department, is as follows:
2024年4月22日 · The HKGS results revealed a clear secular trend in height for children and adolescents in Hong Kong. Thus a new set of growth charts for child-growth monitoring is required in Hong Kong.
2021年7月29日 · This publication is compiled by the C&SD to serve as a ready source of information for those interested in the situation of women and men, and gender equality in Hong Kong.
2024年5月29日 · The construction of the Three-Runway System (3RS) at the Hong Kong International Airport is currently underway. According to the paper submitted by the Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) to the Panel on Economic Development of this Council this month, 3RS will be officially commissioned by the end of this year.
2020年12月3日 · (c) Height information on the Network provides the vertical profile along the footways, thereby facilitating a wide range of applications ranging from simple routing to walkability studies. The gradient values of the footways generated can greatly improve the accuracy of the estimation of travelling time in the development of navigation ...