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  1. GovHK: Social Services. Home. Residents. Housing & Social Services. Social Services. Housing & Social Services. Social Services. Elderly Services. Children & Youth Services. Family Services & Support. Services for Persons with Disabilities. Crisis Support. Services for New Arrivals. Community Facilities. Found this page helpful?

  2. 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區政府 社 會 福 利 署 長 者 資 訊 網

  3. 部門熱線服務. 決策局 / 部門 / 有關機構. 社會福利署. 辦公室電話. 2343 2255 (Hotline) 電郵. dhsuenq@swd.gov.hk. 電郵 dhsuenq@swd.gov.hk. 請您選擇辦公室:

  4. This is the Official Homepage of the Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB) - The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China.

  5. GovHK 香港政府一站通社會服務. 主頁. 本港居民. 房屋及社會服務. 社會服務. 房屋及社會服務. 社會服務. 長者服務. 兒童及青少年服務. 家庭服務及支援. 殘疾人士服務. 危機支援. 新移民服務. 社區設施. 本頁內容對你有幫助嗎? 修訂日期:2023年7月. 我想. 現金津貼試行計劃. 使用房屋委員會公屋申請電子服務. 查詢郵費. 為長者提供的社會服務及福利. 使用地址更改服務. 相關連結. 常用政府表格. 公屋申請表 [HD300C] 居屋第二市場計劃 - 「購買資格證明書」申請書 [HD874C] 聯合申請供水帳戶用戶轉名. 更改差餉及 / 或地租繳納人資料通知書. 更多 > 常用網上服務. 社會服務.

  6. The Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme, which includes Old Age Allowance, Normal Disability Allowance, Higher Disability Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance, Guangdong Scheme and Fujian Scheme, is designed to provide a monthly allowance to Hong Kong residents who are 65 years of age or above or who are severely disabled to meet special needs...

  7. 2022年1月24日 · Special arrangements for subsidised welfare services and services of Social Welfare Department. In view of the latest local epidemic situation, the Government has announced that bureaux and departments can implement new special work arrangements having regard to their operational needs starting from tomorrow (January 25). A spokesperson from ...

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