雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年6月17日 · 日本公司大多会在7月和12月发奖金,因此,银行特意推出这种还款模式,瞄准了收入倍增的这两个月份。. 在拿奖金的月份里,银行期待信用卡持有者可以一次缴清。. 因此,在购置高额商品时,选择这种方式再合适不过了。. 但问题是,谁能保证我7月和12月肯定 ...

  2. 2019年7月5日 · To open an account, head to your local branch with the documents listed above. The forms you need to fill in are all in Japanese but fairly straightforward, including info like your address, date of birth, etc. After applying, you’ll get a cash card (and an optional bank book) sent to you through the post. One thing to be aware of: while ...

  3. 2019年4月17日 · In this short introductory guide to investing in Japan we’ll cover the three main options to invest your hard-earned cash and prepare for retirement—in plain English! Getting into investing in Japan can seem hard.

  4. 2019年3月18日 · And your benefits will be reduced or suspended if your total monthly income is more than ¥280,000 while below 65, or more than ¥460,000 at 65 or above. The National Pension plan is much simpler to calculate. As of 2018, if you were enrolled for 40 years, your Old-age Basic Pension amount is a modest ¥779,300 per year.

  5. 東京有許多時尚、充滿品味的地區,其中代官山、惠比壽一帶更受到大家的推崇。雖然身在日本,但是街道卻散發出濃厚的歐式風情,惠比壽車站旁的惠比壽花園廣場,其周邊的建築設計、燈光巧思等營造出截然不同的東京氛圍。來到這裡有許多經典的人氣景點可以走訪,花園廣場、啤酒紀念館 ...

  6. 眾所周知,去東京觀光的話,主要的交通工具還是得靠電車。而眾多路線裏最有名且利用頻率最高多的當屬JR山手線了。山手線全長34.5千米,共經過29個車站,運行一圈的時間大約為60分鐘。每站之間平均相隔著隔3~4分鐘的車程。 山手線分為內環繞和外環繞,運行軌道呈環形環繞著東京市中心運行 ...

  7. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

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