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  1. “宅度假”的英文名为 staycation ,直译过来就是“宅度假”,指的是在假期留守常住地,或仅在周边短途旅游为主的度假模式。 这种度假方式本是一种被动的选择,因为交通拥堵、预算和时间受限而做的不得以之举,但随着国内居民对度假的理解渐趋深入和理性,这一概念在内地也逐步流行。 [1] 中文名. 宅度假. 外文名. staycation [1] 拼 音. zháidùjià. 解 释. 在假期留守常住地,或仅在周边短途旅游为主的度假模式。 “ [1] 宅度假”是周末出游好的选择。 不管是对家庭还是个人,“宅度假”可以非常的大众化。 有些酒店为小朋友们准备娱乐设施,还有一些酒店允许带宠物,家庭、亲子或者情侣都可以在酒店中休闲享受。

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    “staycation”——一个把“stay”和“vacation” 结合在一起的新词,通俗易懂的说法就是"宅度假".,就是放弃长途旅行,尤其是浪漫的自驾游,要么在家附近找风景点或度假区;要么干脆就在家呆着,开发自己所住城市的风景点和活动。


    More and more people are starting to take a“staycation*.”That is, instead of traveling, many people are opting to stay at home and enjoy local recreational activities.

    A staycation (or stay-cation, or stacation) is a neologism for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. Staycations have achieved high popularity in the financial crisis of 2007–2009 in which unemployment levels and gas prices are high.


    Common activities of a staycation include use of the backyard pool, visits to local parks and museums, and attendance at local festivals. Some staycationers also like to follow a set of rules, such as setting a start and end date, planning ahead, and avoiding routine, with the goal of creating the feel of a traditional vacation.


    A vacation/holiday spent at home. Some use their staycation as therapy–relaxing around the house or futzing in the garden–while others may use the time for projects or home repairs.

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  3. 携程是一个在线票务服务公司,创立于1999年,总部设在中国上海。携程旅行网拥有国内外六十余万家会员酒店可供预订,是中国领先的酒店预订服务中心。携程旅行网已在北京、天津、广州、深圳、成都、杭州、厦门、青岛、沈阳、南京、武汉、南通、三亚等17个城市设立分公司,员工超过25000人。

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