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觀光署駐溫哥華觀光服務分處盛大揭牌 展開加拿大推廣台灣旅遊新篇章 「TAIWAN– Waves of Wonder」台灣魅力‧驚喜無限. 2024-10-04. 觀光署與旅宿業者共創優質自行車旅遊環境. 2024-09-30. 台灣好行移動博物館近萬人次參觀 帶動公車分段環島旅遊潮. 2024-09-30. 全新品牌力拓源 歌手助陣秀臺灣 觀光署攜業界登陸大洋洲 激發紐澳旅客訪臺熱潮. 2024-09-30. 2024觀光區市集日周周有驚喜 10月25日華山文創園區與你相見! 2024-09-30. 山陀兒颱風來襲 交通部觀光署提醒民眾 勿前往山區、海邊活動 以維護自身安全. 2024-09-27.
Note for R.O.C. (Taiwan) visa applicants who have resided in or visited Afghanistan, Pakistan, Madagascar, Mozambique, or the Democratic Republic of the Congo for four weeks or longer in the past year(2024-09-03)
2024年9月13日 · 2024 入台證最新消息. 凡符合資格之港澳居民,均可以 (網簽)方式 申請入台,或事先至內政部移民署「境外人士線上申辦系統」(雲端申請停留)申請入出境證。. 旅居香港之大陸人士持香港居民身分證(非永久),並持有取得當地永久居留權或旅居 1 ...
"Central Taiwan" refers to the following five counties and cities: Miaoli County, Taichung City, Changhua County, Nantou County, and Yunlin County. Located at the heart of Taiwan, these places are ideal for travel as the climate is mild. Many holiday villages and
2024年9月19日 · 台灣自由行景點推介. 台灣自由行景點#1 西門紅樓. 台灣自由行景點#2 北投公園露天溫泉. 台灣自由行景點#3 淡水老街. 台灣自由行景點#4 九份老街. 台灣自由行景點#5 十分老街.
Foreign travelers may obtain tourist visas if they hold foreign passports or travel documents valid for more than six months in the Republic of China for purposes of sightseeing, business, family visits, study or training, medical treatments, or other legitimate activities.
Taiwan has a 24-hour multilingual travel information hotline (0800-011-765). With its unique fusion of cultures, breathtaking scenery, diverse cuisine, exciting city life and well-developed hospitality industry, Taiwan is an ideal destination for many types of travelers.
Read everything you need to know about securing a visa to visit Taiwan, a land of fabulous food, stunning hikes, delightful beaches and much more. Read article