雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 天壇大佛坐落於昂坪大嶼山的木魚峰上,是香港最受歡迎的景點之一。. 英文中常常就簡稱為大佛(Big Buddha 或者 Giant Buddha)。. 天壇大佛於1993竣工,12月29日經佛家阿彌陀誕辰日開光,從此這座青銅佛便以其26.4米的高度和250公噸的重量,成為世界上第二大的坐佛 ...

    • What Is The Ladies Market?
    • Highlights of The Ladies Market
    • What Can You Buy at The Ladies Market?
    • Prices and Bargaining Skills
    • Is It Worthwhile to Visit This Street Market?
    • What Are The Opening Hours and When Is It The Best Time to visit?
    • Where Is The Exact Location and How to Get to Ladies Market?
    • The History of Hong Kong Ladies Market

    Hong Kong Ladies Market is one of the most famous and popular street markets and as an example of the typical local street market. It stretches 1km on Tung Choi Street with over 100 outdoor stalls. Also known as the Women’s Street, it is ranked on top of many bucket and must-do attraction lists. Don’t be misled by its name. It actually offers a wid...

    There is something for everyone on this street market. From cheap clothing, fashion trends and bargains to inexpensive accessories, typical souvenirs or latest gadgets, you will find a lot of options here. Where else can you explore the local culture while enjoying affordable shopping and sampling some local street food delicacies along the way? Go...

    There are all kinds of products ranging from cell phone accessories to toys, shoes, handbags, belts and tourist souvenirs on Ladies Market. No matter you want to pick up the mandatory ‘I love Hong Kong’ or ‘I got lost in HK’ T-Shirt, or magnets and key chains in every form and shape, here you will find something.

    Bargaining is a must

    Shopping at the Ladies Market needs good bargaining skills. Most of the items hardly will have price tags. Prices are more of an idea than fixed. Make sure to bargain with the sellers. Even if they have a sign with “no bargaining”. Be aware that the prices are seen more as a suggestion and it is expected to negotiate the final price. In case you don’t know how to bargain, the Ladies Market is a great place to practice, rehearse and learn.

    Pay with cash and credit card

    Besides HKD, many other foreign currencies are also accepted. Some stalls also take credit card payment with purchasing upon HK$ 300. Go Back to Top

    Shopping at the Ladies Market is like a one-stop shopping solution. It is one of the best places to buy typical travel souvenirs for friends and family. So, in case you are looking for some inexpensive gifts (such as e.g. magnets, key chains, T-Shirts, cups, chopsticks, lucky charms or cell phone cases), this is the place. Even if you are not inten...

    Opening hour

    Although there are no “official” opening hours, most of the stalls will open for business around noontime and will last till late at night (10:00 pm – 11:00 pm). The actual closing time can vary depending on how busy the stalls are. Usually the majority of the owners will start to build up their stalls around 9:30am – 10:00am. The nearby streets are closed for public traffic from 4:00 pm until 12:00 am (midnight) from Monday to Saturday as well as from 12:00 pm (noon) to 12:00 am (midnight) o...

    Best time to visit

    However, the best time to visit Ladies Market is in the early afternoon and evening hours (usually between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm). That’s about the time when the street market just comes alive and is not too crowded yet. If you stay till late, there are plenty of restaurants and street food vendors along this street market for grabbing some midnight snacks. In the evening hours and especially on weekends, this place gets quite crowded. It is a fun place to experience the atmosphere of haggling...

    Ladies Market is located on Tung Choi Street, the part between Argyle Street and Dundas Street in Mongkok. It is parallel to Sai Yeung hoi Street which is famous as Electronic Street and to Fa Yuen Street as Sneakers Street. Mongkok is the center of Kowloon area. One end of Ladies Market adjacent to Argyle Street is close to MTR Mongkok station Exi...

    This street market is better known under the original street name Tung Choi Street among locals. Taking a look at the busy streets of Mongkok, it is hard to imagine that here was once an area of market gardens. Nowadays, only the street name Tung Choi Street still reflects its heritage, which literally translates into Water Spinach Street. The city...

  2. 一點建議: 香港的寺廟 分布於香港的大街小巷。 有一些很有名,有一些只不過是一些遺留下來的小寺廟。 在眾多的寺廟中,我們向你推薦萬佛寺――這個會讓你印象深刻的寺廟。 不過由於寺廟的位置不太容易找,對於短期來香港旅遊的遊客而言有點困難,所以常常被遊客忽略。 沿著小路大概需要步行20分鐘,平時體力不好的或者行動不便的,確實是有點難度。 尤其是香港的天氣常常很潮濕,在濕熱的條件下這條路會讓你更加疲倦。 不過當你最終征服這段小路之後,你會覺得不虛此行。 我們建議你早上早一點出發,並記得帶上足夠的水。 在大雨的季節寺廟可能會被關閉,請留意寺廟主頁的通知。 萬佛寺內. 如何前往萬佛寺: 乘坐港鐵: 搭乘港鐵東鐵線至沙田站,從B出口出站。 之後左轉走下一條斜坡。

  3. Guide to Tian Tan Buddha (Big Buddha) – What to see and how to get there. Guide of The Big Buddha on Lantau Island. The Big Buddha, also referred to as Tian Tan Buddha or Giant Buddha, is one of the most-known attractions in Hong Kong by tourists. Lots of visitors pin it on their top list and must-do.

  4. 天星小輪或叮叮電車. 尖沙咀天星小輪. 如果你住在九龍區(例如尖沙咀,紅磡或旺角),我們建議你在尖沙咀維港乘坐 天星小輪 一游。. 天星小輪是香港最著名的標誌之一,船費只需港幣$ 2.5/程(週末為港幣$ 3/程)。. 記得乘坐天星小輪的上層前往中環。. 尖沙 ...

  5. 来了一趟香港,不能不尝试一下 港式点心。 无论你是在香港的哪个角落,在你附近一定能找到一家点心餐厅。 如果你不知道哪里有,记得向你的酒店前台询问。 传统的点心有酸,有甜,有辣,有咸,有热有冷,有蒸有炸。 你一定能找到一款你爱的口味。 香港饮茶之小笼包. 传统的港式点心有春卷,叉烧包,鲜虾烧卖,肠粉等(你可以浏览我们介绍“ 港式点心 ”的文章获得更多的印象)。 你可以匆匆忙忙的吃完早茶,也可以悠闲的看看报纸,慢慢享用。 好多香港的本地人利用早茶的时间和家人聚一聚,或者拿上一份报纸,品着茶享受早餐。 不过既然我们只有一天的时间,不妨安排得紧凑些。 饱饱一顿早餐后,我们就展开一天的旅程。 天星小轮或叮叮电车. 尖沙咀天星小轮.

  6. 位於荷李活道的文武廟(Man Mo Temple)是香港最古老的寺廟。. 建於1847年殖民時期,現在的文武廟已經被高樓大廈包圍,只剩一個小小的大門夾在兩座樓房之間,仿佛繁華鬧市中唯一的一方淨土。. 文武廟的入口在左手邊,供奉著文帝“文昌帝君”和武帝“關帝君 ...