雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 定期人壽保 VS 儲蓄型人壽保 定期人壽保 - 零儲蓄成份,大部份保費都用於保障上。 儲蓄型人壽保 - 設有儲蓄成份,部分保費用於保障,部分則投放於儲蓄。 於投保時相同保費下的保障額 以上是假設保障範圍及保單成本一樣的情況下,並根據投保時的標準保費率所得的保障額之比較。

  2. Term Life insurance coverage up to HK$8 million without saving element. Affordable premiums with 10 years fix premiums option. Get quote online!

  3. Term Life Insurance. Securing high coverage lifelong protection at a low cost. Key Benefits. 1. Variable sum assured, level term periods and policy currency to suit your life stage needs. 2. Affordable premium with lifelong protection. 3. Guaranteed renewable no matter how your health conditions change. 4.

  4. 至安心定期壽險計劃. 即時網上投保. 可即時網上申請投保,無需體檢. 靈活續保年期,可每1、5或10年續保一次;保證續保到100歲(下次生日年齡) 每日保費低至港幣5.4元,可獲高達3,000,000港元人壽保障. 首3個月總保費1港元,時間有限,立即投保! 立即投保. 了解更多. 瑞安心定期保障計劃. 理財顧問爲您度身訂造. 當保障額達至一定金額,即可享有保費折扣優惠. 保費繳付期內,保費維持不變. 可選擇月繳或年繳形式,以支付10年或20年保費繳付年期的保費. 了解更多. 最貼心人壽保障 - 為您鋪就無憂未來. 無論您想為家人提供最好的生活保障、建立恆久財富傳承給子女,還是為將來的日子未雨綢繆,我們一系列的人壽產品都能為您和摯愛提供萬全的保障,讓他們能享受更幸福的未來。 了解更多.

  5. Our term life insurance plan provides financial security for you and your loved ones during unforeseen circumstances. Apply online or customize your plan with our financial advisors. Zurich Term Life Insurance Plan. Instant buy online. Apply and get insured instantly online without medical examination.

  6. Period. Up to 100 years old. Issue age. Aged 16 - 70 years old. You can buy this from. Your Financial Consultant. Three options for your choice: 5-year Term Life Plan, 20-Year Term Life Plan and Term Life 100 Insurance Plan.

  7. HSBC HK. Insurance. Life Insurance. HSBC Term Protector is a term life insurance plan with no savings element underwritten by HSBC Life (International) Limited. It is not a bank deposit or bank savings plan. How we can help you. Thinking about how you can leave a meaningful legacy if the unexpected happens?

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