雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Prestige Regal. HK$22,080起. 以完美配搭的墊層提供想像以外的輕柔舒適,一試難忘的貼身享受,而專利彈簧設計能均衡承托身體重量,加上UniCased ® 專利減壓系統,有效吸收肢體動態所產生的震動,讓您和伴侶都能徹夜安眠。. Premium Collection.

  2. www.sealy.com.hk › mattresses › palatial-crest-collectionRoyal Infinity - 絲漣床褥

    可供兩位成年人共寢,空間極為充裕而寬敞,適合喜愛私人空間的伴侶. 160 x 190 / 198. 168 x 198. 空間極為充裕,特別適合經常和寵物或孩子共寢的伴侶. 183 x 190 / 198 / 203. 最大型的床褥尺寸,讓您體驗極致奢華. 198 x 198 / 203. *尺碼為約數,可能有 +/- 2 厘米的差異。.

  3. Royal Heritage. HK$29,900起. 質感貼服輕柔,雲集頂尖技術,配備DSS雙重承托彈簧,自動感應身體壓力,適時調節及提供相應承托,加上UniCased®加強圍邊承托及ComfortCore®人體工學紓壓墊層,讓您在每個夜裡熟睡安眠。. Palatial Crest Collection.

  4. Sealy床褥一直是全球五星酒店選用的床褥,提供優質床褥、床架及睡枕。擁過百年悠久歷史,澳洲自設廠房,具備多項專利彈簧技術,圍邊技巧更可加大床褥使用面積,讓您每晚享受五星級的舒適睡眠及優質承托。

  5. PostureCare Optimal. From HK$6,480. PostureCare Optimal is an extra-firm mattress that provides sturdy support and creating a gentle cradling sensation. PostureTech® coils distribute weight and pressure so your spine remains aligned, helping your muscles relax for a truly restful sleep. Posture Premier Collection.

  6. Goldfield床褥50% off & Extra 5% off優惠價$11,381起. 建議零售價$23,960起. The Australian-made Goldfield mattress with Sealy's patented PostureLux® titanium six-coil springs offers strong and reliable support to help your muscles relax while you sleep. Its meticulous design soothes away the stresses of everyday life, so you wake up ...

  7. From HK$30,900. A stable, supportive feel throughout. Our UniCased® is built for extra edge support. With ComfortCore® layer and DSS (Dual support system), it provides personalized support and comfort to your spinal cord. To achieve a truly rejuvenation restful night’s sleep for the body. Palatial Crest Collection.

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