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  1. Josie and Jim begin to connect with each other, realizing they are not so different. They begin to form a romantic relationship, and proceed to enjoy the freedom of having such a large store to themselves. Josie, having $52,000 in her purse, convinces Jim to run away with her to Los Angeles as soon as they leave the store in the morning.

    • (55)
    • Bryan Gordon
  2. MIB星際戰警:跨國行動 Men in Black: International 線上看在最新電影《MIB星際戰警:跨國行動》中,H探員(克里斯漢斯沃飾演)與M探員(泰莎湯普森飾演)在看似平常捍衛地球免於外星人威脅的任務中,竟意外發現有敵人的魔爪已滲入MIB總部,引起前所未見的巨大危機⋯這一次,為了維護MIB的使命,兩位探員 ...

    • (57)
    • 蓋瑞格雷(F. Gary Gray)
  3. 那根所有權 那根所有權 線上看中國的電影,一向不擅於對性問題進行嚴肅的討論。這部改編自汪笨湖原著小說的《那根所有權》,平實地描述中年男人的性困擾,在仍把“性”視為禁忌的臺灣,可說是一個突破。本片描述外號“閹雞”的臺灣小食攤老闆(陳鬆勇飾),是個性慾旺盛的中年人,偏偏 ...

  4. 資本主義:一個愛情故事 Capitalism: A Love Story 線上看按照資本主義的理想化定義,在該社會體制下生活的人民可以自由自在的選擇工作,並獲得相應的報酬。但現實究竟如何?2008年金融風暴席捲全球之際,美國的土地上無數人因為喪失贖回權而被銀行趕出家園;有的商人則與司法系統勾結興建感化院 ...

  5. Everyone by her husband's side leaves and only the grandfather and slave named Bau are left behind. One day, Ma-nim notices that Bau has a way of staring at her and she is overcome by a strange feeling. She'd to oppress her desires as a woman because of her two short marriages and strict identity. Bau had never made love with a woman before but ...

  6. 港囧 LOST IN HONG KONG 線上看《泰囧》續集再現,大賣80億,美妙甜蜜的香港約會之旅,竟演變成一場驚心動魄的歷險與逃亡影后趙薇破格爆笑演出,攜手喜劇大師徐崢、包貝爾、超模杜鵑,大鬧香港街頭從旺角到中環,從彌頓道到銅鑼灣,為愛闖蕩,妙趣橫生徐來(徐崢飾 ...

  7. 登陸後便可評論,期待你的發言... 跨國銀行 The International 線上看規模龐大幾乎盤踞全球的跨國銀行IBBC在這個錢權主宰的社會裡簡直無所不能,它不僅操控著各國經濟,牽制著政府的決策,甚至參與洗錢、販賣軍火、勒索綁架等各種黑道行動,它就像一隻大章魚 ...