雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 旅遊景點 >. 傳統・歷史. GO TOKYO, The Official Website. Find out what to do and eat, where to go and stay and more at GO TOKYO. Explore hidden gems even many locals don't know. Dig deeper the charm of Tokyo.

  2. 伊豆群島・小笠原群島. 談到東京,應該有不少人會先想到霓虹燈下紛紛攘攘的景象。. 但您知道嗎?. 東京也有保留原始自然風貌的島嶼。. 從自然美景完整保留的大島,到距離最遠而充滿神秘魅力的青島,其坐擁的美麗風景在日本可謂名列前茅。. 歡迎您造訪 ...

  3. 2022年10月19日 · 東京導覽. 神津島. Updated: October 19, 2022. 可享受登山、浮潛與海水浴的人氣島嶼. 神津島有沙灘、其樂無窮的岩地步道、浮潛的理想地點,是適合闔家同遊的島嶼。 島上還有登山路線及潛水地點,喜愛冒險活動的遊客亦能滿載而歸。 旅遊指南. 美麗海岸與迷人的土耳其藍大海. 浮潛及潛水. 「天上山」的健行路線. 交通方式. 從竹芝棧橋:搭乘高速汽船約3小時45分鐘,搭乘大型客船(夜行)約12小時。 從調布機場:僅需45分鐘。 土耳其藍大海、滿天星空. 神津島擁有高人氣的原因之一,就在於美麗沙灘與蔚藍大海。 距離神津島港最近的海灘為「 前濱海岸 」,其周邊還有商店可供購物。 神津島的代表性海灘「前濱海岸」

  4. 人氣景點. 東京區域導覽. 首頁 >. 東京區域導覽 >. 東京東部. 在東京的東側地帶,從淺草的寺院到兩國的相撲文化,處處可見日本傳承已久、引以為傲的傳統文化。. 新落成的晴空塔及咖啡廳一級戰區清澄白河等亦為此區注入年輕活力。.

    • Taishakuten
    • Shibamata's Favorite Son
    • Take Time For Tea
    • Stroll Down Memory Lane in Shibamata’S Retro Streets

    Taishakuten-Sando , the main street lined with traditional shops selling fragrant toasted rice crackers and dango sweets made from rice flour, leads directly to the grand gate of Taishakuten. Through the carved wooden Nitenmon gate, the sprawling temple complex is dominated by a huge, ancient pine tree. The exquisite carvings on the Teishakudo and ...

    A hustler who was always unlucky in love, Tora-san was a famous character throughout Japan, and the series of 48 movies, dubbed “Otoko wa tsurai yo,” or “It's tough being a man,” released between 1969 and 1995, showcased each prefecture. After every adventure, Tora-san came home to Shibamata and the family dango shop. While you may not be familiar ...

    Just behind Taishakuten and a few steps from the Katsushika Shibamata Tora-san Museum, Yamamoto-Teiis a beautiful merchant's house mixing classic 1920s Japanese and European architecture, where you can take tea overlooking the garden. Just over the hill in front of the house, you'll find a sprawling park overlooking the Edo River, marking the bound...

    With its friendly locals, retro architecture and slower pace, the town makes a perfect escape from the stresses of city life. Old buildings are being reborn as simple, stylish hostels and cafes, and the area's traditional hot springs and public baths are newly appreciated by those seeking out authentic experiences. For a real trip back in time, Shi...

  5. 2022年10月19日 · 大島. Updated: October 19, 2022. 火山創造出宛如月球表面的風景. 伊豆諸島最大的大島位於群島東端,距離東京約120公里。 大島有巨大的活火山「三原山」巍然屹立,具備令人嘆為觀止的景色,不僅是地質學者夢寐以求的寶地,亦為登山健行及戶外活動愛好者能夠盡興遊樂之處。 只要有兩天就能周遊島嶼,但您可能會流連忘返。 小提醒. 在「三原山」與「黑沙漠」健行。 探索大自然切削地層的鬼斧神工。 欣賞1月至4月上旬綻放的山茶花。 交通方式. 從東京前往大島可選擇空路或海路。 從調布機場:25分鐘。 從竹芝棧橋:搭乘高速汽船約1小時45分鐘,搭乘大型客船(夜行)約8小時。 宛如月球表面. 宏偉壯觀的「 三原山 」佇立於大島中央,除了為島上帶來豐沛的溫泉,亦創造了凹凸的地形。

  6. Enjoy the hospitality of the city’s downtown heart: a bustling mix of street markets, shrines and shopping arcades, where the locals work and play. The gateway to Northern Japan, Tokyo’s North is a lively collection of unpretentious residential areas with many historic areas. Meander through the old houses and artisan workshops around ...