雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年3月19日 · 除了 Tesla 自行建設的專用 超級充電站 ,為應付不同品牌的電動車充電需要,坊間愈來愈多充電站相繼投入服務支援不同品牌的電動車。. 今次快而保便為大家分享 13 個通用付費充電站位置、充電收費比較,以及講解電動車的充電制式,令各電動車車主對充電有 ...

    • The Do's
    • The Don’ts
    • Practical Tips For Chinese New Year and Your Car

    Put a pair of oranges on the dashboard

    Oranges and tangerines are associated with good luck, especially during Chinese New Year, as their color symbolizes riches and good fortune. By placing a pair of tangerines or oranges on your dashboard, you are welcoming good luck into your car and your life. Also, they're great for decorative purposes considering the overall festive mood!

    Place something red inside the car

    Just like placing oranges in your car brings good luck and prosperity, having making sure there is something red inside your car this time of year is a must. Red is an ultimate luck and money symbol during CNY, and some people even place a red packet with banknotes inside their cars for better results. Our advice? If you put money in the red packet, don’t leave it in plain sight to avoid potential theft - which is certainly one of the worst things that can happen to you during CNY celebrations!

    Let the luck in: open car windows on New Year’s Day

    Just like the belief that opening windows in the house during Chinese New Year will bring luck and prosperity to its residents, opening car windows is believed to bring luck to the car’s owner. However, opening your car windows can invite thieves, and as much as opening your car’s windows can bring you good luck, we advise that you only do it if you can park your car in a guarded or private parking spot. Otherwise, only open the windows slightly for a short period of time.

    Avoid driving black cars

    Since in Chinese culture the color black is associated with mourning, some people avoid wearing it, and some won't even drive their black car during CNY to avoid bad luck. However, if your car is black, and you have to drive it during the Spring Festival, counteract the bad luck by decorating it with the prosperous colors such as red, gold, and 'top up' your luck by adorning your car with a compulsory pair of oranges.

    Avoid driving a car with an “X” or number “4” on the license plate

    To many Chinese people, the number “4” is inauspicious as when spoken out loud it resembles the sound of “death” in the Chinese language, hence it is associated with bad luck. Having an X symbol on the license plate is also unwanted as it can resemble the driver’s luck being crossed out.

    Avoid placing any sharp objects in the car

    This superstition also has its roots from the house environment, where during the first day of Chinese New Year people avoid using sharp objects, as they can “cut” off your luck and fortune for the upcoming year. Plus, why would you want to keep a knife or pair of scissors in your car anyway?

    If you do plan to rent a car this CNY, read our previous posts about renting a car in a foreign country, and winter safety driving tipsif you’re heading in the northern direction. But even if you are not planning a big road trip this Chinese New Year, there are a few things you should remember to enjoy safe and auspicious Spring Festival celebratio...

  2. 2024年3月14日 · 電子倒後鏡的優點和缺點. 1. 叫倒後鏡其實係錯?. 現時坊間慣稱的倒後鏡,實則名為睹後鏡,即用來視察後方的鏡子,只不過習非成是,遂演變成大家俗稱的「倒後鏡」。. 2. 三塊倒後鏡原來係多咗?. 根據香港 《道路交通 (車輛構造及保養)規例》第374A章 所指 ...

  3. 2024年4月2日 · 一換一計劃將於 2024 年 3 月 31 日完結,目前仍未有延長計劃的消息,不少人為趕「尾班車」以一換一計劃購買全新電動車,連帶一換一 Quota 價格急升。今次快而保為大家講解一換一計劃資格及流程外,並講解最新一換一 Quota 價格,幫助大家可在一換一計劃完結前買得心水電動車。

  4. 2023年12月28日 · 消費者宜購買最少具備 200 萬像素的解像度及高清錄影(Full HD,1920x1080)的產品,以便清晰記錄道路狀況。 留意車 cam 1 秒內可錄製的畫面幀數,使用每秒 30 幀(30fps)或以上的產品,錄製的影像較流暢和不會延遲,尤其在高速行車時,影像也較清晰。

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    The manufacturers of this association include the manufacturing of toys, electrical appliances, and household products. In the 1960s and 1970s, Hong Kong's plastics industry successfully explored overseas markets and successively created the miracles of the 'Plastic Flower Kingdom' and the 'Toy Kingdom', becoming a well-deserved player in Hong Kong's economic development.

  6. 2023年8月10日 · 幾時要比?. 「墊底費」又稱為「自負額 (excess)」,是保單中一個預先設定的金額,索償時保單持有人就須向保險公司支付該金額。. 例如索償總數 $15,000,保單附設墊底費 $5,000,保單持有人要自行付出 $5,000 自負額,索償餘數 $10,000 則會由保險公司賠償。. 自負 ...