雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 創立於1960年的Bongo在東京飯糰痴中可謂是無人不知,無人不曉的名店。250日圓起跳的手作飯糰,不起眼的外表中所擁有的鬆軟口感,正是顧客絡繹不絕的秘密。為了搭配新潟產的越光米,由店主開發出高達55種的口味與配料,以米飯配料2比1的黃金比例打造的巨大飯糰,每一款都具有令人回到昭和的 ...

  2. 2013年3月14日 · A long time ago in an island nation far, far away, there lived a people who loved making bento box art. You might even call them bento Jedi. As you can see below, the Force was strong with them. 6. R2D2 and C-3PO Bento.

  3. 2017年12月28日 · Mark Hamill has surely seen a lot of unique Star Wars tributes in his day, but this one had a little extra history to it: an animated ukiyo-e short produced by Atsuki Segawa. Star Wars Ukiyo-e was presented to stars Mark Hamill and Adam Driver, as well as director Rian Johnson and Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, at the December 7, 2017 Tokyo press conference for Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

  4. 2016年7月19日 · The Kamata area in Tokyo is famous for the "Hanetsuki Gyoza", literally “fried dumplings with wings”. Your dumpling will not fly away when attempting to eat it, but the fried dumplings are cooked in a way that a few of them are connected by the wing-like skins.

  5. 2017年7月10日 · Historical. Takachiho: Climb into the Land of the Gods. Michael Kanert Updated July 10, 2017. Shrines Mountains Rivers Bus Taxi Boat Theater Power Spots Miyazaki Kyushu. The town of Takachiho lies at the heart of many myths of Japan—and not without reason.

  6. 羽田inn飯店位在京急線大鳥居站,從羽田機場搭乘免費接駁巴士只要10分鐘的車程,羽田機場至飯店免費巴士接駁時間為17點24點半、飯店前往機場為4點至10點。 基本雙人房兩人為8,000日幣起,價格均包含免費日式早餐,燒魚、雞蛋、納豆、味噌湯、醃漬小菜、咖啡果汁等,從凌晨3點50分開始提供至9點,若搭乘首班電車去旅行,可以不再只有便利商店早餐的選擇。 官網| https://www.hanedainn.co.jp/ 交通|京急線「大鳥居站」徒歩3分鐘. 一應俱全的女性專用客房・東急羽田卓越大飯店 (羽田エクセルホテル東急) https://twitter.com/FlyTeamNews/status/798844830478528512.

  7. 2017年10月2日 · The Kyaraben Behind the Cover. According to Kyarabenist.jp, a kyarabenist is anyone who loves making mealtime fun by decorating rice and making kyaraben, or character bento. The site is about more than highlighting a selection of delightful creations, however—it's first and foremost about teaching people how to become a " kyarabenist master!"

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