雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We named our service unit ‘Tiptop Training Centre’, which reflects the Association’s target to operate a training centre with a tip-top quality of service. Our centre provides one-stop vocational training services for people with disabilities including assessment, training, job placement and onsite follow-up.

  2. There are two service units, Tiptop Training Centre and Employment Service Centre under our Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Integrated Vocational Rehabilitation Services Centre (Tiptop Training Centre) Work Extension Programme (WEP) Sunnyway – On the Job Training Program for Young People with Disabilities & On the Job Training Program for People with Disabilities Down Syndrome

  5. 企業培訓 | 天高顧問 Tiptop Consultants | 實戰性高 輕鬆有趣. 天高企業培訓透過輕鬆有趣味的學習,讓同事樂於學習,提高學習效益;培訓內容實戰性高,強調個案和演練,重視工作情景的應用,有效幫助同事調整心態,學習知識和技巧. 銷售技巧及管理. 很多顧客都討厭硬銷(hardsell),要達成銷售,要了解顧客的購買心理學,銷售手法更是要與時并進。 天高的銷售技巧及管理系列幫助您: 了解現今顧客的心理和需求,引起顧客對產品的興趣和購買慾. 講故事展示個人、產品和品牌的價值,不硬銷的促進銷售. 分析數據了解銷售的現狀、訂立銷售目標和銷售教練行動. 熱門課程. 銷售七式 故事式銷售 銷售數據分析與目標管理. 了解更多. 團隊管理.

  6. Tiptop Training Centre. -包括培訓工作 室及連單面鏡的控制室. -配備了會議及講座的所需設備,也適合當培訓及工作坊. -位於與港鐵站出口連接的商場大廈,交通便利. 680平方呎的多用途場地,包括一個培訓工作室及一個連單面鏡的控制室,可容納40人劇院式座位或30課室式座位。 座落於荔枝角,位於與港鐵站出口連接的商場大廈,只須一分鐘步程即可到達。 設備包括︰. i. 培訓工作室及連單面鏡的控制室. ii. 兩個活動圖架連紙. iii. 高清投影機連屏幕. iv. DVD 播放器. v. 夾咪. vi. 電腦. 可預訂日子. 價錢. 查詢或索取報價. 容納人數和設置. 1 ~ 40. 座位. 場地面積及器材. 680 平方呎. 餐飲. 位置.

  7. Tiptop Training Centre. Lai Chi Kok / Mei Fu / Cheung Sha Wan. 0 (0) | 0 bookmarked. HK$ 50/person/hr. 740sq.ft. 50 standees. 50 seats. About the place. A 680 square feet multipurpose space in Lai Chi Kok, includes a training studio and a control room, can accommodate up to 35 guests in classroom setting and 50 guests in theater setting.

  8. Tiptop Training Centre provides one-stop vocational training services for people with disabilities, including vocational skills training, prevocational assessment and training, and job matching. During his visit, Mr Wong toured the sheltered workshop of the centre and chatted with the trainees to learn more about their work and studies.