雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Omiyage (souvenirs) can be found practically anywhere and there’s a vast range of gifts and souvenirs on sale in the city. With a little digging, you can find the item you want, old or modern,...

  2. 2023年7月11日 · 1. Don Quijote. 2. Tokyu Hands. 3. Loft. 4. Daiso. 5. Muji. 6. Souvenir from Tokyo. 7. Village Vanguard. 8. Bingoya. 9. Yodobashi Camera. 10. Kiddy Land. Japan Wonder Travel Tours in Tokyo. Other articles you might be interested in.

    • 東京車站伴手禮推薦|東京車站丸之內南口改札內 NewYork Perfect Cheese 奶油起司脆餅。上午8點的東京車站,許多日本上班族不在擠電車通勤行列,而是乖乖排隊一間位於丸之內南口1樓改札內,源自紐約、發跡於東京的起司糕點專賣店-NewYork Perfect Cheese,NewYork Perfect Cheese店內只販售三種商品:奶油起司脆餅、楓糖起士蛋糕跟起士蛋糕卷,其中包裹鮮奶油內餡、融合黃金比例的起司與白巧克力,型似貓舌餅乾的奶油起司脆餅,更被譽為點心界的夢幻逸品,日日都是上午開賣,中午即完售的超強人氣熱銷品項,也是許多旅人一早衝去搶排的人氣伴手禮。
    • 東京車站伴手禮推薦|東京車站丸之內南口改札內 Press Butter Sand焦糖奶油夾心餅乾。當咖啡、奶油與焦糖三方相遇,再加上選用北海道天然食材製成的餅乾餅皮,多重滋味讓舌尖都瞬間融化了;風靡日本的人氣排隊伴手禮,Press Butter Sand店址位於NewYork Perfect Cheese正對面,除了經典的焦糖奶油餅乾口味,東京車站店鋪更主打買得到新鮮現做熱呼呼出爐,以及東京車站限定必買的巧克力口味。
    • 東京車站伴手禮推薦|東京車站八重洲北口改札內 Jaga Boulde進化系洋芋片。「吃啤酒配餅乾!」,「最涮嘴的洋芋片」、「此生吃過最搭香蕉的洋芋片」,由日本兩大超人氣伴手禮品牌Calbee+與東京香蕉BANANA聯手打造的進化系洋芋片Jaga Boulde,舉凡吃過的人幾乎都直接成主顧了。
    • 東京車站伴手禮推薦|東京車站八重洲中央口改札內 TOKYO TULIP ROSE鬱金香玫瑰餅乾。路過櫥窗的花朵造型餅乾,讓人看了直呼少女爆發!東京車站八重洲中央口改札內1樓的TOKYO TULIP ROSE,甜點玻璃展示櫃裡像極一座迷你藝術的甜點花園,帶有酥脆法式餅乾口感的蘭朵夏,是一個個呈現鬱金香玫瑰花造型的巧克力甜點,分別有草莓與覆盆子莓果口味的粉色、百香果與芒果口味的黃色,以及代表焦糖咖啡巧克力的黑色,再加上點綴翠糖粒的獨特口感,成為許多東京女孩送禮首選。
    • Tokyo Bananas
    • Tokyo Hiyoko
    • Uchiwa/Sensu
    • Chopsticks
    • Bento Boxes
    • Furoshiki
    • Tenugui
    • Ceramics
    • Kintsugi
    • Edo Kiriko Glass

    Let’s get the obvious out of the way first. If you’re looking for something that screams Tokyo and is easily found, it has got to be Tokyo Banana. Yellow and shaped like a small banana, this curious confectionary is a sponge cake with banana puree cream in the middle. The brand has also spawned several different flavours and variations, with specia...

    If Tokyo Banana isn’t enough for you, why not get some Tokyo hiyoko? These adorable chick-shaped pastries are filled with sweet bean paste as well as other flavours, and have over a hundred years of history. Due to its popularity, you can even find this treat in airport shops, making them as easy to find as Tokyo Banana.

    An icon of the Japanese summer, these fans can be used both for fighting the heat and as a display piece – a beautiful and sensu-ble souvenir (sorry). You should be able to get these fans at most traditional gift shops with a variety of designs and materials. In the thick of summer, paper-plastic uchiwas (non-folding fans) are also given out for fr...

    While Hashior chopsticks aren’t indigenous to Japan, the shape of these vary between the countries that use them, with those in Japan narrowing at the tip, making them effective for picking the bones off fish. Made of lacquered bamboo or plastic, you should be able to get them in a variety of designs at various gift and budget shops at different pr...

    Since we’re talking about chopsticks, bentos boxes shouldn’t be overlooked. As a country obsessed with the presentation of food, special attention is given to what you store them in as well. As with hashi, you can get these in bamboo (both lacquered and unlacquered) and plastic. The former is great for retaining moisture in your food, while the lat...

    If you’re considering getting Bento boxes, why not consider getting what they are carried in? Furoshiki are sizeable pieces of sturdy cloth that come in beautiful designs – a great addition to any home décor, if not used to carry bento boxes around. Due to their rather malleable shape, furoshikis can also be used to carry a variety of other things ...

    Not to be confused with Furoshiki, these smaller pieces of cloth are hand towels, and like their bigger cousins are just as beautifully designed. Use them as handkerchiefs, scarfs, hand towels – their great utility and beautiful designs make them a great gift and souvenir.

    If you’re more of a eat-in person, you can consider getting some Japanese ceramics instead. Japan has a long and rich history of the art, and the quality, beauty and variety of it shows. Different regions of Japan feature unique distinct styles of ceramics, and with several artists having made their home in the capital city, there won’t be any lack...

    If your beloved ceramic pieces inevitably get damaged, kintsugi is a great way to extend their shelf-life. Ever the proponents of mottainai (or frugality), the Japanese believe that there is value and beauty even in an object’s flaws. This simple yet elegant art has evolved from its roots in the royalty to an art enjoyed by all, with some even inte...

    A delicate art native to Edo, present-day Tokyo, these glassworks feature intricate patterns etched against a background of colour, such as red or blue. With products ranging from vases to teacups, these glass pieces can be used both as everyday household items or eye-catching display pieces. Also read:10 Best Flea Markets in India for souvenirs an...

    • Tsunagu Japan
    • 淺草雷門週邊商品。東京必去的熱門觀光景點,也是淺草的著名地標-雷門。雷門相關週邊商品除了有燈籠和模型外,還有像是托特包及襪子等服飾類單品。漫步於仲見世通上時,請務必找尋自己喜愛的伴手禮喔!
    • 澀谷禮品自動販賣機(渋谷おみやげ自動販売機)年輕人的天堂-澀谷,此處有個令人耳目一新的景點,也就是可於外國旅客喜歡的日本特色文化「自動販賣機」中購買和風雜貨。
    • 食物模型週邊商品(食品サンプルグッズ)常常會讓人和實物搞錯的真實度百分百的食品模型。這裡有販賣壽司及天婦羅等日式料理的鑰匙圈、外觀華麗且可愛的甜點耳環等各式各樣商品,種類齊全。
    • 日本酒&切子玻璃杯。江戶切子為自江戶時期流傳下來的傳統工藝品,直至今日還是受到許多人的喜愛。因其外觀透明令人消暑,所以最近常做為日本酒用的酒器。建議可在日本各地美酒聚集的東京挑選鐘意的日本酒,與其搭配成套當作伴手禮。
  3. 2015年7月31日 · 1. Asakusa Kaminarimon Goods. If you come to Tokyo, one of the must-see landmarks is Asakusa 's Kaminarimon. You can find items with Kaminarimon designs like lanterns, figures, tote bags, socks, and other items. If you walk down Nakamise-doori past all the souvenir shops, definitely stop in to look for some.

  4. 2023年3月22日 · 在推薦東京車站伴手禮前,大家先了解一下東京車站裡的商業設施,也就是伴手禮都在哪裡販賣,以及分佈區域,這樣要買伴手禮時才會有個概念,比較好找。 因為想介紹比較詳細,所以這段會有點長(廢話有點多),如果已經對東京車站有概念,不會迷路的人,就可以直接從目錄跳到伴手禮介紹的段落喔。 東京車站1樓商業設施位置圖. 東京車站B1商業設施位置圖. 先從東京車站1樓看起,我們到東京車站常看到丸之內跟八重洲,那是要怎麼分?

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