雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The BOCHK Corporate Payment Management Solution allows corporate customers to pre-set various payment instructions, as well as the value date and amount for each payment. they can even log onto our Corporate Internet Banking to schedule payments in advance and check payment records. Solution Benefits.

  2. 龐大自動櫃員機網絡 覆蓋全面 中銀香港擁有超過1,000台自助設備,包括自動櫃員機、存鈔機及存支票機,覆蓋全面。 自動櫃員機網點搜尋功能 方便易用 我們設有分行網絡搜尋功能搜尋本行分行及自動櫃員機的位置,助你更快更直接找到我們並享用我們的服務。

  3. 優惠與分行收費比較。 * 請按此參閱匯款服務收費詳情。 備註:以上各項收費以每次交易計算,僅供參考,本行保留不時調整有關收費的權利。 請即 登入網上銀行,盡享優惠! 有關產品及推廣詳情,請向本行職員查詢。 中國銀行(香港)有限公司保留修訂或取消上述推廣優惠條款的酌情權。

  4. 優點. 快捷可靠. 電子轉賬:款項一般可於下一個工作天 (不包括星期六、日及公眾假期)轉賬至收款銀行。 電子轉賬 (特快處理):於截止時間前發出指示,可於即日轉賬至收款銀行。 節省成本. 透過企業網上銀行進行電子轉賬及電子轉賬 (特快處理),可享有比一般轉賬較低的交易費用。 無需簽發支票亦可將款項存入其他銀行的賬戶,減省行政工作及所涉及的成本. 預設交易. 支援預設當天及未來50天生效的交易,方便您靈活安排付款交易。 申請簡便. 申請企業網上銀行時,已預設有電子轉賬及電子轉賬 (特快處理)功能,毋需額外申請。 其他企業應付賬管理方案. 支票外判服務-銀行本票. 全球匯款. 特快轉賬 (RTGS / CHATS) 自動轉賬付款服務. 發薪服務. 上市公司派發股息服務.

  5. The BOCHK Corporate Payment Management Solution allows corporate customers to pre-set various payment instructions, as well as the value date and amount for each payment. they can even log onto our Corporate Internet Banking to schedule payments in advance and check payment records. Solution Benefits.

  6. BOCHK is one of the largest banks in Hong Kong with comprehensive RMB cross-border products and services. We are a China market custody expertise with full range of global custody services across the globe covering over 70 markets. Our wide range of assets servicing solutions will help you create a better efficiency in managing your securities ...

  7. BOCHK provides payment services to corporate customers through FPS, which allows you to easily manage your HKD or CNY fund transfers to beneficiary accounts with other banks/financial institutions in Hong Kong via internet banking anytime, anywhere.