雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年9月9日 · On this day, 9 September 1951 (Australian time), the Menzies Government signed a peace treaty with Japan on behalf of the Australian people, bringing to a formal conclusion the conflict which had effectively ended with the Japanese surrender on 15 August 1945. The agreement is otherwise known as the Treaty of San Francisco, the city where it ...

  2. “舊金山對日和平條約”(英文:Treaty of Peace with Japan;日語:日本國との平和條約),簡稱“舊金山和約”,是由第二次世界大戰的48個戰勝國與戰敗國日本於1951年9月8日在美國舊金山所簽訂的片面和約。該和約主要是為了解決第二次世界大戰後戰敗國日本的領土及國際地位問題。

  3. 4 The Treaty of Peace with Japan (known as the San Francisco Peace Treaty) was signed by the United States, the United Kingdom, and the other Allied Powers on September 8, 1951. Article 2 of the Treaty provides for Japan’s renouncement of a certain part of its

  4. 2022年4月24日, 國台辦 發言人 馬曉光 在答記者問時表示,所謂「舊金山和約」是二戰之後美國糾集一些國家,在排斥中華人民共和國、蘇聯的情況下,對日單獨媾和而發表的非法、無效的文件。. 該「和約」違反1942年中美英蘇等26國簽署的《聯合國家宣言》規定 ...

  5. The Treaty of Peace with Japan and the related security and mutual defense treaties, when they go into effect, will bring that goal nearer to realization. NOTE: The Treaty of Peace with Japan and the related security pacts were favorably considered by the Senate on March 20, 1952.

  6. The Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty approved that Japan had renounced all right, title and claim to Taiwan, the Pescadores, etc., in accordance with Article 2 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, but during the process of negotiations for this treaty, the Senkaku

  7. 日本国との平和条約(にっぽんこくとのへいわじょうやく、英語: Treaty of Peace with Japan、昭和27年条約第5号)は、1951年 9月8日に第二次世界大戦・太平洋戦争後に関連して連合国諸国と日本との間に締結された平和条約。通称はサンフランシスコ平和条約。