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  1. 2024年1月10日 · Japan has thousands of earthquakes every year, which can be scary if you don't know what to expect! Learn all about earthquakes in Japan, including how to prepare and what to do when it happens.

  2. 2024年1月10日 · While sightseeing in Japan, international travelers had better be prepared for earthquakes, which are frequent in the country. This article offers our top tips for preparing for any earthquakes, big or small.

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  4. 2024年1月12日 · 2011年的日本311大地震,就是因为形成了巨大的海啸,进一步加剧了东日本福岛等地的受灾状况。 对于游客而言,提前查询天气预报和气象信息,可以及时了解到旅游目的地的灾害发生可能性。 如果有强台风等临近,不妨选择错峰游玩,避开极端天气,就可以有效避免这类海洋自然灾害。 当然,对于因突发地震等引发的海啸这类灾害,建议提前确认下旅行目的地附近的避免建筑物和设施位置,并了解一下从住宿的酒店到景点之间的避难路线,都会大大增加获救的概率。 与山相关的自然灾害. 鹿儿岛县的樱岛(活火山) 与山相关的自然灾害:山体滑坡、雪崩、火山喷发. 游览名山大川也是旅行中一大乐事,但是越是险峻巍峨的山,越代表着它的形成过程可能非同一般。

  5. 2017年4月14日 · Japanese builders have developed a number of anti-earthquake techniques over the years, from the free-moving components of the nation’s pagodas to the reinforced concrete of its modern skyscrapers. One rarer earthquake-resistant design, however, is the dome house.

  6. 2017年11月2日 · The Sendai 3/11 Memorial Community Center, a place to learn about the Great East Japan Earthquake, has become paramount in helping local residents move past the earthquake by holding various events and gatherings where people can meet and interact.

  7. 2017年11月21日 · Let's look at how the city of Rikuzentakata is being rebuilt in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 as the city works toward the dream of becoming a truly global community. The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11, 2011, shook the world. Reconstruction in the stricken areas continues to this day.

  8. 2017年12月26日 · The coastal town suffered extensive damage during the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011, but today, Onagawa is a shining light of recovery with Onagawa Station, a symbol of the town’s new modern townscape and progress.

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