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  1. 2021年4月26日 · Top Up 醫療保險好重要! 買「標準計劃」定「靈活計劃」? 投保前必讀9大重點! 升級重點1:增加個別項目保障額/賠償比例. 綜合過去超過20個月的索償數據Bowtie 精算團隊發現,大部分項目的保障額都足夠支付實際醫療費用,惟「病房及膳食」及「主診醫生巡房費」的實際支出超出預設的保障額(見下表)。 雖然這兩個項目在個別個案中有賠償不足的情況,但受保人實際上須自行支付的金額並不算高,保單仍能發揮應用的作用 — 讓受保人能夠負擔高質素的醫療服務,並賠償絕大部份的醫療開支。 Bowtie 自願醫保 — 實際支出超出保障額之概況(提升個別項目保障額/賠償比例前)

  2. 2024年1月30日 · 點解精算師買保險未必揀大公司?. 消費者挑選保險公司有很多不同方法,部分純看公司名氣、認為大公司就一定好;市面上亦有一些所謂的保險公司排名,但這些排名準則是否可靠?. Bowtie請來精算師Mr.J為大家分析一下。. 作者 精算師Mr. 小心用標準化保費來 ...

  3. 立即報價. Bowtie 用一分鐘教你揀選適合自己或家人的保險. 一般查詢hello@bowtie.com.hk. 傳媒查詢 media@bowtie.com.hk. 合作推廣partner@bowtie.com.hk. 工作機會careers@bowtie.com.hk. 社交媒體. 產品. 自願醫保人壽保危疾保觸木保戰癌保團體保險優惠.

    • Allow Immediate Money Transferral
    • Make Easy Payments
    • Offer Attractive Rebates
    • Offer High-Interest Rates
    • Allow Multi-Currency Savings
    • Good Rates & Multi-Currency For Fixed Deposits

    Transferring money in and out of the virtual banks was generally easy once it was set up. Some of them do not have branch codes which makes it a little more complicated. Yet, FPS is available and the transaction is reflected immediately. Users should be reminded that a few transactions may be needed when transferring large amounts of money due to t...

    Banks such as Livi, Mox, WeLab, and ZA provide different payment gateways to spend money. Some allow you to add a virtual debit card to Apple Pay or Google Pay (ZA only lets you use Apple Pay at the time of writing). Livi uses UnionPay as well. Some (Mox, WeLab, ZA) send you a plastic card to use. You can check all of your transactions on the app, ...

    These virtual banks usually offer quite attractive rebates to their customers whenever they make transactions. Different forms of rebates and rebates rates may change from time to time and depend on promotions. Here are some rebates that the virtual banks are offering at the time of writing: 1. Mox gives you a rebate of 0.5% 2. Livi gives you (with...

    Virtual Banks may pay you higher interest rates in HKD compared to your usual bank. If you have spare cash and want to maximise your returns, the following sequence may work for you (depending on how much you have to spare): 1. $20,000 in Airstar (earns 3.6% p.a. for 95 days) 2. $20,000 in Ant – open a Libre account (earns 2% p.a.) 3. $50,000 in Li...

    Airstar, Fusion and ZA provide you with savings accounts in Renminbi (CNY) and US Dollars (USD) if that is something you want. In CNY, the best rate is given by Fusion (1% pa) and in USD the best rate is provided by Airstar (0.10% pa).

    Time deposits are available in CNY and USD in Airstar, Fusion, and ZA while HKD fixed deposits are available from Airstar, Fusion, ZA, and WeLab. The tenors vary across banks and depend on the currency. 1. For example, in Renminbi (CNY), Fusion has good rates at short tenors while Airstar has good rates at longer tenors. 2. In USD, Airstar gives yo...

  4. 2020年8月3日 · 探訪程序及注意事項: 所有訪客必須自行量度體溫,如體溫到達攝氏38 C (華氏100.4 F)或以上,應盡早找醫生診治並切勿到醫院探訪病人。 所有進入聖保祿醫院範圍之人士,必須先用酒精搓手液進行潔手,並即時佩戴外科口罩。 聖保祿醫院設有分流管制,請留意出入口指示。

  5. 2024年1月25日 · 1. 有效分配資源. 首先可以從公司的內部流程和結構着手,促進不同部門及職級之間的溝通,並優化工作流程,盡可能減少時間和資源上的浪費。. 同時,公司應該建立有效的績效管理系統,定期評估員工的表現,規劃資源分配時作為參考。. 透過投放資源支持 ...

  6. 2020年8月3日 · 香港港安醫院–司徒拔道(坊間稱為港島港安 ,英文名稱為Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Stubbs Road)是一間位於司徒拔道的私家醫院。Bowtie資訊團隊搜集了醫院的探病時間、電話、交通、地址以及一些入院相關的常見問題,方便大家住院前做好準備。