雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 18. Average years of work experience of our participants. Learn more. No. 1 in the world for 12 times by FT (2023) and a program capitalizes on the strengths of Kellogg School of Management and the HKUST Business School.

  2. 香港科大EMBA中英双语课程专注为大中华区的高级管理人员提供世界级的商学研究生教育,将世界最前沿的管理知识与中国管理经验相结合,培养具全局观和全球观的商业领袖。了解HKUST EMBA招生简章、申请条件、学费

  3. The Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA program is a unique partnership between the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Our renowned program brings together senior executives from across the world to instill a new way of thinking and embrace unique challenges.

  4. Applicants for admissions to the Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA Program must: Possess a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or an approved institution, or possess recognized professional qualifications equivalent to a degree;

  5. prog-crs.hkust.edu.hk › pgprog › 2022-23Program & Course Catalog

    HKUST Executive Master of Business Administration Program. GENERAL INFORMATION. Award Title. Executive Master of Business Administration. Program Short Name. HKUST EMBA. Mode of Study. Part-time. Normative Program Duration. 16 - 18 months. Program Fee. HK$1,180,000.

  6. 香港科大EMBA中英双语课程申请入学:探索EMBA招生简章、报名流程、申请条件、课程学费。课程治学严谨,严格筛选,每年一班。云集全球顶级师资,将最前瞻的管理知识精髓与香港独特的中西融汇的实践管理经验相结合,系统性梳理商业管理知识。

  7. 香港科大EMBA中英双语课程展现一张完整的学习蓝图,带领求知者按部就班,层层递进,掌握现代管理新思维。 核心模块建立跨领域及跨学科的商业知识,环球游学带领学员走访世界,学习不同国家和地区的管理理念和实战经验,全面提升创新及全局观的商业 ...

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