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  1. The Valencia orange is a sweet orange cultivar named after the famed oranges in València, Spain. It was first hybridized by pioneer American agronomist and land developer William Wolfskill in the mid-19th century on his farm in Santa Ana, southern California, United States, North America. [1]

  2. Valencia Orange. Discover everything about the Valencia Orange. Get to know the ideal variety of orange depending on the season of the year and check out why Valencia oranges are the best in the world. + info.

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  3. 2022年1月4日 · Valencia oranges are a summer orange with thin, golden-orange skin and sweet, juicy fruit. They can be used in cooking, in salads, desserts, and sauces, and for making orange juice, as well as for snacking on raw.

    • Danilo Alfaro
  4. 2018年4月20日 · 游炎記菓欄的琪琪解釋,美國新奇士橙分開兩季出產,每年5月至10月的「蜜篤橙」(Valencia)是夏季橙;11月至6月的冬季橙名為「石榴篤橙」又叫「臍燈」(Navel),一般石榴篤橙較為好食,因為橙在冬天生長,需「禦寒」故橙皮較厚,果肉會保留更多水份且味道香甜,且果內沒有核。 至於「黑牌橙」,並非另一品種的橙。 琪琪解釋,由於每年3月尾至5月尾出產的橙屬「季尾」,亦是收成最好的時候,故橙上會貼上黑色的標籤,並寫明是「LATE SEASON」,俗稱為「黑牌橙」。 琪琪續指,橙標籤上的號碼,是識別橙的大細。 以石榴篤橙為例,4012是大碼橙(一箱48/56個);3107是中碼橙(一箱72/88個);4013是細碼橙( 一箱113個)。 琪琪說,「黑牌橙」以4012最受歡迎,體積大,甜度亦高。

  5. Valencia oranges are a type of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) known for their juicy and flavorful characteristics. These oranges are one of the most popular varieties of oranges grown and consumed worldwide. They are named after the city of Valencia in Spain, where they are believed to have originated. Key features of Valencia oranges include:

  6. 英名:Valencia orange、Valencia late. 為目前世界上栽培面積及生產量最多之甜橙品種。 台灣在民國四十三年由美國引入台東栽培。 樹大型,樹勢強健,枝條立直,不僅風土適應性強而且極為豐產,為甜橙類中最晚熟,但如掛樹太久則稍有隔年結果現象。 每年三月中旬開花,果實在翌年三~四月成熟,果實圓球形至長圓形,果重150~200公克,果皮光滑,色澤澄黃,完熟呈深橙色,熱帶地區果皮轉色不佳,果肉橙色到深橙色,果汁率高,糖度12~13度Brix,酸度稍高,約在0.8~0.9%,風味濃、具香氣,種子2~4粒,果實耐貯運。 晚侖夏橙豐產,適應性廣,由熱帶至亞熱帶均有栽培,但果實生育到成熟所需 積算溫度 較高,在北亞熱帶冷涼地區無法生產品質佳之果實。

  7. 2022年5月4日 · Bailey Fink. Published on May 4, 2022. Photo: Meredith. If you're constantly looking for a way to extend the bright and flavorful citrus season, then we're here to introduce you to the one and only summer orange, the Valencia orange. Read on to find out everything you need to know about the sweet fruit. What Are Valencia Oranges?

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