雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. First introduced to the world by Hunter Douglas in 1946, our Venetian Blinds offer you precise control of light intensity and direction with the quick twist of a wand. And with an ever expanding range of colors and finishes to choose from, you can transform any room in a style that is completely your own.

  2. “萬利簾“品牌創建於1992年,致力於創造高品質的、高品味的室內遮陽窗飾,滿足顧客對隱私、光線控制的需要及對時尚家居設計的追求。 生產基地——中山萬利窗簾制造有限公司,生產體系完備,銷售、服務、管理體系日臻完善。 占地面積10000多平方米,員工200餘人,全程實施ISO9001質量體系管理,專業為遮陽窗飾產品定制需求提供解決方案和技術支持。 30年來,萬利簾堅定不移的秉持 "金牌服務,誠信為本,以質取勝" 的經營原則,與海內外重量級供貨商強強聯手,共同打造簡約時 ...

  3. 我們的服務: 只要跟我們專業團隊告訴您的要求或疑問,之後的事情都交給我們,我們都能為 商用 及 家居 提供適合的方案。 阻燃處理. 我們能提供英國標準的阻燃處理及證書,歡迎各大機構及學校聯絡合作查詢。 簡易操作. 百葉簾的操作十分簡單,升降開合皆由一條拉珠控制,更加省力方便,簡約設計更代表現代時尚潮流,給您一個舒適的環境。 變化多端的光線. 最大好處之一是它們可以為單位提供令人難以置信的光線控制。 百葉簾優點: 價錢便宜. 有效的照明控制. 增加隱私. 耐用. 適合各種窗戶尺寸. 適合場所: 常用於:辦公室、學校、家居等場所。 百葉簾價格: 百葉簾會因應窗簾的高度及闊度而有所變動,只需提供窗簾的高度及闊度便可以為您提供適合您的報價。 快速報價>. 布簾/紗簾 Curtain.

  4. products. 產品系列: venetian blind 1/2 inch; 1 inch; 2 inch 百葉簾 半吋; 壹吋; 兩吋 / roller blind 捲簾 /. Print-your-own roller blind 自選圖案捲簾 / bamboo blind 竹簾 / pleated shade 百摺簾 /. honeycomb shade 風琴簾 / vertical blind 垂直簾. 百葉簾簡介.

  5. Minimal space required. Suitable for schools, hospitals or commercial use. Heavy duty pulley system and tilting system. Matching enamel coated aluminum headrail. Easy to install and operate. Wide range of colors for selection. Wooden Venetian. Natural beauty and traditional elegance. Easy to clean.

  6. High quality wood blinds are used. A variety of sizes, colors and textures of slats are available. Create the natural and elegant atmosphere to your home by choosing wooden venetian blinds. Advanced production technology provides better protection for the slats

  7. With venetian blinds, you have precise control over light intensity and direction without discomfort. We have a choice of 16mm, 25mm, 35mm, & 50mm slat sizes in a broad range of fashion decorator colours. Venetian blinds are an ideal application for offices, schools, hospitals, and study rooms.

  8. 2020年6月30日 · 30 Jun 2020. All You Wanted To Know About Venetian Blinds. Venetian Blinds were invented first by the Hunter Douglas Group in 1946. Launched in 50mm, Hunter Douglas pioneered further innovation in window blinds by launching the 35mm Venetian Blinds in 1963 followed by the introduction of 25mm Venetian Blinds in 1979.

  9. Wooden Venetian Blinds (木百葉簾) A Venetian blind has horizontal slats, one above another. They are suspended by strips of cloth called tapes, or by cords, by which all slats in unison can be rotated through nearly 180 degrees.

  10. Venetian Blinds. Why Venetian? Why Motorised? Simple & Timeless. No matter which style you choose, classic or contemporary design, Venetian Blinds always look naturally beautiful and provide you with dual benefit: transform natural light and protect your privacy.

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