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  1. 從JR逗子站下車,搭乘公車約20分鐘便可看見大海。也許你對鎌倉瞭如指掌,對橫須賀耳熟能詳,但是葉山町的名字卻如此陌生,儘管鎌倉和橫須賀都近在咫尺。「HAYAMA Funny house」就坐落於此,直面相模。這是一排其貌不揚的海邊白色建築,陽台極目遠望,便是無垠大海;俯身鳥瞰,即是礁石嶙峋 ...

  2. 地址:靜岡縣靜岡市清水區草薙600-1. 交通:從日本平飯店,步行約10分鐘左右可至日本平夢展望露台. 官網: https://nihondaira-yume-terrace.jp/ 空中漫遊日本平索道纜車. https://pixta.jp/photo/38273404. 從日本平夢展望露台步行約4分鐘可至日本平索道纜車站。 索道全場1,065公尺,連接著日本平山頂和久能山東照宮兩邊,搭乘有著德川家族三葉葵家徽的仿殿下和公主轎子的別緻纜車車廂,從空中俯瞰久能山鬼斧神工的岩壁,遠望駿河的湛藍海水,5分鐘的空中纜車漫遊,盡享山、海美麗景致。 從上而下的纜車,像是穿越空間與時間,進入了久能山東照宮的歷史中。 日本平索道纜車(日本平ロープウェイ) 地址:靜岡縣靜岡市清水區草薙597-8.

  3. 橫濱地標塔 (The Landmark Tower) 擁有70樓層,高相當於296公尺的橫濱地標塔,是日本第2高的大樓,從橫濱市中心抬頭就能看見,不僅是在橫濱未來港,在橫濱市內這座地標塔也可以稱得上是最具代表性的醒目建築了,因此也自然深深吸引著每一位遊客,想來這裡一探 ...

  4. 2015年12月21日 · Constructed in 2012 by YUUA Architects & Associates, this house in Toshima-ku, Tokyo, is just 6 feet (1.8 m) wide!But with four stories and dynamic interior design, it still offers 860 square feet (80 sqm) of living space, with huge glass windows guaranteeing you’ll ...

  5. 2015年4月22日 · Come with us as we take you across Tokyo’s eastern neighborhoods! 1. Asakusa - district with an old Tokyo atmosphere. Asakusa used to be the downtown area of Tokyo during the Edo Period, where the common people lived. Soak in the nostalgic ambience as you explore the little old town on foot, with the impressive Tokyo Sky Tree in the background.

  6. 2015年8月14日 · Splitting the first and second floor of this Tokyo home is a 360-degree mezzanine surrounded by raised windows that circle around the house. In a city like Tokyo, achieving both natural light and privacy in your home is a high-wire balancing act. Overdo it on side and ...

  7. 2018年3月2日 · Here are 12 amazing photogenic spots you can visit on a day-trip from Tokyo! 12. Amazing emerald green at Yushin Ravines. The Yushin Ravines is located in Kanagawa prefecture and is another place great for a hiking trip that can be visited in a day trip from Tokyo.