雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 由美國新創企業AKA開發的支援英語學習的小型機器人Musio,目前已成功打入日本市場,接下來讓我們來聽聽首席戰略官CSO布萊恩・李先生分享其成功背後的祕密故事吧! 「Musio」有著白色的圓滾滾體型,在高約30公分的二頭身上有雙可愛的眼睛。 它會說完美的英文,是能夠支援日本高需求英語學習的小型機器人。 開發Musio的AKA設立於2009年,是以「讓人類跟機器人能成為好朋友的世界」為目標,開發人工智慧溝通引擎及機器人的美國新創公司。 該公司在美國某群眾募資網站募集機器人開發資金時,發現了一件事──「儘管在日本是沒什麼知名度的網頁,但日本的出資者人數卻是最多的」日本法人首席戰略官CSO布萊恩・李先生如此說道。 這是AKA從2015年開始到日本發展事業的理由之一。

  2. 2022年8月2日 · 令人大開眼見的日本次世代自動販賣機服務 | All About Japan. pixta.jp. 新冠肺炎(COVID-19)延燒近三年,除了衛生觀念外,也影響了日本大眾的日常消費習慣,例如,網路購物電商的使用機率大幅提升,而為了避免人群接觸,外帶比例增加,就算必要外出時也會留意避免碰觸大眾易接觸的電梯按鍵、手扶梯、自動販賣機按鈕等面板,這當中更間接讓日本境內高普及率的自動販賣機銷售模式有了轉變。 如何從便利的自動販賣機提供以及獲取商品,「加入智能服務」可說是重要關鍵,若能成功轉型的話,不僅能提高銷售,同時也能降低店租、減少人力成本。 日本自動販賣機的現狀與危機.

  3. 2013年11月28日 · In Japan, drones—more technically called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)—are classified as remotely operated aerial vehicles that weigh more than 200 grams (7 oz) and cannot accommodate a person. According to an amendment to the Aviation Act that came into effect on December 10, 2015, a drone cannot be flown at a height of over 150 meters ...

  4. 2020年9月18日 · Every two years the JPDA (Japan Packaging Design Association) celebrates excellence in packaging design by hosting the Japan Packaging Design Awards. The winners of the 2021 Awards were just announced and can be all viewed in more detail at Spoon & Tamago just by heading to the link below. Read full story: www.spoon-tamago.com.

  5. 2019年3月11日 · Ranked as a women’s 1-kyu professional shogi player, Karolina Styczynska has gained attention as the game’s first and only foreign female pro. Since her childhood she’s liked to puzzle things out and play competitive board games, and was the only student in her elementary school to enter a chess tournament. She discovered shogi at the age ...

  6. 2016年1月30日 · Global architecture firm KPF has proposed “Next Tokyo,” a vision for Tokyo in the year 2045 when a mile-high tower and eco-city floats on Tokyo Bay, providing a home for half a million citizens and simultaneously addressing city-wide vulnerability by providing

  7. 2019年3月28日 · Nestled between mountains, it's hard to imagine the engineering challenges that had to be overcome. But perhaps that is what resulted in the beautifully curvaceous structure. To see more eye-catching marvels of modern engineering, read the original article from