雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. wallet brand 相關

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  1. 啓動 Global Wallet 功能,並以心水靚價買入外幣,就可以用您嘅 Debit Mastercard 喺海外網站 shopping 時,直接扣外幣戶口兼 Citi 唔收任何手續費! 了解更多. 理財變得前所未有咁靈活. 全新Pay Later 介面畀您一眼睇晒可以分期攤還嘅信用卡簽賬同賬單,想點還自己話事,找卡數都可以有Choice又Flexible! 其他功能配合您嘅理財需要. 憑分消費. 簡單幾步即可憑Citi積分抵銷最近信用卡指定簽賬. Quick Cash. 只需簡單幾步,隨時隨地現金到手. Citi PayAll. 用Citi PayAll交各種生活洗費賺盡積分或回贈. 轉數入 Citi. 於App內按幾下即可從其他銀行轉錢入戶口. 顯示更多. 常見問題.

  2. Citibank Global Wallet 4 • 簽賬獎賞首6個月高達1%現金回贈 3 • 餐飲、購物以及旅遊禮遇 4 • 尊享Mastercard ® 生活禮遇 • 繳費靈 ― 5 • 易辦事 1

  3. 使用Citi Plus信用卡網上簽賬及健身會籍賺3X積分,並且積分不設兌換限期,而且無需年費。. 憑Citi Plus信用卡,生活Level up獎賞更+多。.

  4. 什麼是Citi積分兌換至Club積分服務?. Citi積分兌換至Club積分服務是一個讓你可於The Club官方網站或手機應用程式 (「網上平台」)將Citi積分兌換至Club積分的服務。. 本服務僅適用於花旗銀行 (香港)有限公司發行的Citi普通卡、Citi金卡、Citi Rewards信用卡 (Citi Rewards銀聯 ...

  5. Shop online now. With your digital card details stored in the App, you can shop online right away *. Pay with your mobile. Once activated, you can instant add the card to your mobile wallet. Tap and pay in stores. (coming soon to digital debit cards) Earn Rewards now. If your card earns Rewards or cash back, start earning straight away.

  6. 透過 Citibank 主網頁建立 您可以電腦瀏覽 Citibank 主網頁 www.citibank.com.hk 並按左面目錄之「首次登入」建立您的用戶登入賬號。. 透過 Citi Mobile ® App建立 下載 Citi Mobile ® App後,開啟程式再按「登記賬號」進行登記程序。. 成功建立之登入帳號可適用於登入 Citibank 上 ...

  7. Get more with just one app. Designed with you in mind. We’ve been working hard to bring you a quicker and smarter mobile banking experience that continues to be all about you. You’ll now have greater flexibility at your fingertips, with personalized views and new features designed to be quick and hassle-free.

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