雅虎香港 搜尋


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  2. 3 天前 · 【明報專訊】To commemorate the 100th birthday of the famous martial arts novelist Jin Yong(金庸), a special exhibition has been staged by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The exhibition shows the sculptures of Jin Yong's characters, which are sculpted by

  3. 3 天前 · 【明報專訊】To commemorate the 100th birthday of the famous martial arts novelist Jin Yong(金庸), a special exhibition has been staged by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. The exhibition shows the sculptures of Jin Yong's characters, which are sculpted by

  4. 2024年4月15日 · 明醫網 > 兩性生活. 每個人都有生理需求,但自老一輩的說法「太常打手槍會腎虧」嚇壞許多男網友。 究竟一天DIY 幾次算是過度,又會造成哪些影響? 泌尿科醫生指出,腎虧是中醫學上的名詞,代表泌尿生殖方面的功能低下,並非西醫解剖學的腎臟。 他也透過「9 的法則」教你算出性生活及自慰頻率多少才算正常。 太常打手槍會腎虧? 性功能中心主任邱鴻傑在《健康多1 點》頻道中替大家解答,事實上腎虧就是腎虛,屬於中醫學上的名詞,代表泌尿生殖方面的功能低下受到影響,並非西醫解剖學方面的腎臟。 民眾常存有性功能方面有問題,就到門診要求驗腎功能的迷思,西醫方面腎臟為「過濾率」的功能,與腎虧並無太大關係,「腎虧後會不會造成腎臟疼痛? 其實不會,它沒有所謂的相關性質,不是同一件事。 至於腎臟痛是否代表「手槍打過頭」?

  5. 3 天前 · The Smarties are taking a break on Labour Day, check out Vol 409 on 8 May 2024. (Criticisms on this publication, if any, are aimed at pointing out the errors or defects of certain systems or policies with a view to rectifying or eradicating such errors or defects, as well as prompting improvement or remedy for them via lawful means.

  6. 3 天前 · Eason: ”Watch this, guys! I'm going to use the compass for fortune-telling.” Dr Panda: ”Well, in ancient China, the compass was indeed initially used for fortune-telling. ” Pat: ”Hmm, let's see what Eason's got up his sleeve. ” MO MO: ”Yeah, tell us what the

  7. 2022年10月24日 · 星期一. 明報 > 新聞 > 副刊. Apple Watch SE 2 vs. Samsung Galaxy Watch5. 智能表雙雄 CP值鬥高下. [2022.10.24] 發表 推文. 熱門之選 Apple Watch SE 2與Samsung Galaxy Watch5 約300多元價位的熱門智能手表。 訓練必備 Apple Watch SE 2全新體能訓練App比以往新增更多鍛煉數據。 偵測脂肪比 只要兩指接觸Galaxy Watch5旁按鈕,便可以偵測人體身體成分,包括肌肉量、脂肪比例等。 表帶易換 Galaxy Watch5表帶易拆易更換。 極限運動表 Apple Watch Ultra是適合極限運動用家佩戴的智能手表。

  8. 2024年3月13日 · Dr. Thornwell Jacobs, the president of Oglethorpe University, sealed the Crypt of Civilization on the school campus in 1940. Set to open in 8113, the time capsule preserves a comprehensive record of culture from the early 20th century. Jacobs aimed to surpass language and cultural barriers, leaving behind a lasting and meaningful contribution.

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