雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. 留意; 防備 I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk. 我叫他們當心人行道上路滑的地方。

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  2. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English watch (out) for something phrasal verb to pay close attention in a particular situation because you are expecting something to happen or you want to avoid something bad She stepped outside to watch for the cab.

  3. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English keep a watch out for somebody/something (also be on the watch for somebody/something) to be looking and waiting for something that might happen or someone you might see, especially so that you can avoid danger, trouble etc Be on the watch for anything suspicious. → watch.

  4. watch out meaning, definition, what is watch out: used to tell someone to be careful: Learn more.

  5. ロングマン現代英英辞典より watch (out) for something phrasal verb to pay close attention in a particular situation because you are expecting something to happen or you want to avoid something bad She stepped outside to watch for the cab.

  6. watch out for [句動詞] 1 watch out for something/somebody (問題・危険などを察知しようと) <…>に気をつける, 用心[注意]する • Watch out for overhanging branches. 垂れ下がった枝に気をつけなさい.. • Anyone taking sleeping pills should watch out for side-effects. 睡眠薬を飲んでいる人は副作用に注意してください. 2 watch out for somebody (不都合なことが起こらないように) <人>を見守る, <人>に目を配る • Larry’s older sisters watched out for him.

  7. Origin vigilant (1400-1500) Latin present participle of vigilare “to stay awake, keep watch”, from vigil; → VIGIL. vigilant meaning, definition, what is vigilant: giving careful attention to what is happ...: Learn more.

  8. watch out forphrasal verb 1 watch out for something/somebody ⋯을 조심하다, ⋯에 (게) 주의하다 • Watch out for overhanging branches. 처진 가지를 조심하세요 • Anyone taking sleeping pills should watch out for side-effects. 수면제를 복용하는 사람은 누구나 부작용에 주의해야 한다 2 watch out for somebody ⋯을 보살피다 • Larry’s older sisters watched out for him. 래리의 누나들이 그를 보살폈다 → watch.