雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年3月15日 · What is the weather like in Tokyo in April? The average temperature is around 19.4°C (66.9°F) during the day, and 9.8°C (49.6°F) at night. With the cold days of winter over, the weather is mild, and perfect for outdoor activities.

  2. 2024年3月15日 · 旅遊指南攻略. 4月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: March 15, 2024. 推薦4月的東京嗎? 4月有許多慶祝大自然及春季到來的祭典活動,是最適合造訪東京的時期。 4月的東京天氣如何? 白天的平均氣溫大約19.4度,晚上則大約9.8度。 此時已告別寒冬,氣候溫和,非常適合戶外活動。 但4月偶爾也會有風大的日子,建議帶上圍巾或連帽外套。 4月的人氣活動與祭典. 櫻花祭. 說到4月上旬的東京觀光焦點,那一定非櫻花莫屬。 上野公園 的「上野櫻花祭」、 隅田公園 的「櫻花祭」,以及於皇居西邊的千鳥淵散步道舉辦的「 千代田櫻花祭 」等都是相當熱門的活動。 漫天飛舞或飄在水面的櫻花花瓣都充滿了春天風情。 照片來源∕一般社團法人千代田區觀光協會. 明治神宮 春季大祭.

  3. 6月至7月中旬是東京的梅雨季,可以說是一整年中最多雨潮濕的時期。 比起季風帶來的雨水,梅雨季的小雨似乎持續更久。 穿著雨衣或許是個好選擇,但材質過厚會造成悶熱不透氣,建議攜帶輕薄的雨衣。 若您預計在梅雨季節造訪東京且以步行為主,或準備在東京西部、奧多摩地區健行或露營,穿著防水的鞋子會比較適合。 折疊雨傘在便利商店就能輕鬆購得。 梅雨季一結束,就會轉變成悶熱的夏季氣候。 氣溫會升至35度以上,因此需要注意補充水分並充分休息。 日落後的夏季夜晚,氣溫也幾乎不會低於25度,非常炎熱。 為消除暑氣,許多日本民眾都會準備手持電風扇或陽傘。

  4. 2020年11月25日 · In Tokyo, as in much of Japan, the rainy season (known as tsuyu in Japanese) generally runs from mid-June to late July, although it might be more properly be called the “overcast” season. Expect lots of gray and humid days with scattered showers and drizzle. Months with heavy rain come between late July and October, typhoon season.

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    • weather in tokyo in april4
  5. 2020年12月17日 · Spring— see cherry blossoms as the weather turns mild. After a long winter, spring brings warmer weather and the long-awaited cherry blossom season. In Japan, spring is a time of changes and new growth. April marks the beginning of the Japanese academic calendar and many people join companies in this month.

  6. 2024年4月11日 · Updated: April 11, 2024. Is May a good time to visit Tokyo? The beginning of May is marked by Golden Week, one of the major holiday periods in Japan. May is a month full of activity. The weather and temperature are generally pleasant throughout the day. It is a great time to experience festivals, including events rich in traditional values.

  7. 2019年12月2日 · Although temperatures drop in the morning and evening, the cool, fine daytime weather is perfect for outdoor activity, so it's a great season for you to get out and explore. Make sure to bring layers so you can be cool when it's warm and sunny, and warm if a chill comes through!