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  1. 婚嫁一站式優惠 不能錯過的完美婚禮 周大福推出「幸福禮金卡」提供珠寶、婚宴、餐飲、旅遊、攝影等一站式專業婚嫁服務優惠。客人於一年半內可享有籌備婚禮相關之特定商戶優惠,購卡後365日內登記結婚可於指定期間領取回全數禮金卡金額。

    • Traditional Wishes
    • Casual Wishes
    • Quotes About Love
    • Inspirational Wishes
    • Wishes For Family Members
    • Wishes For Friends
    • Wishes For Coworkers

    Whether you know the couple well (maybe their family members or your best friends) or you know them from work or just recently met them, you can't go wrong with writing a sweet, traditional wish in the gift card. 1. "May your love grow stronger each and every passing year." 2. "Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow." 3. ...

    If you know the couple well (perhaps they are your best friends or a close family member), you can be casual while maintaining a sentimental, happy tone. 1. "We/I are/am so happy for the two of you!" 2. "We/I can't wait to see the two of you do life together!" 3. "Cheers to the rest of your life as partners!" 4. "We/I love you so much! Congratulati...

    Whether the happy couple enjoys great literature, film, TV, or music, this is a great time to write a famous quote about love as part of your well-wishes. 1. “He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” - Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights 2. “To you, I'll give the world.” — “Songbird” by Fleetwood Mac 3. “Y...

    If the love shared by the newlyweds inspires you, that's a perfect sentiment to include in your wedding gift card! 1. "Your love inspires me every day. Wishing you both the best!" 2. "Your future together is so bright. Congratulations!" 3. "Your love is truly one-of-a-kind." 4. "You two are the ultimate power couple. Cheers to you both!" 5. "I/we c...

    If you're celebrating a new marriage in the family, this is the perfect time to welcome the new family member and say congrats. 1. "Congratulations to you both, and welcome to the family, [name]!" 2. "We're so happy that our family is getting bigger. Welcome, and congratulations, you two!" 3. "I am so lucky to have you both as my family. Congratula...

    If either or both of the newlyweds are your close friends, feel free to add in an anecdote to personalize the wedding card—or use one of these tried and true wishes for friends. 1. "I am so happy that my two best friends get to spend the rest of their lives together." 2. "We are so lucky to be celebrating the love of two of our best friends!" 3. "I...

    If you've just celebrated a coworker's wedding, here are some sweet ideas for the wedding gift card. 1. "Congratulations to you and wishing you both all of the best!" 2. "Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your special celebration. Congrats!" 3. "I'm so happy for you both. Congratulations!" 4. "Congratulations. Now enjoy some well-deserved t...

    • Ellie Nan Storck
  2. 2024年3月20日 · 結婚禮物推薦:Hermès 家居飾品. Hermès 飾物碟可以替你收納各種小飾物,實用而且美觀。 在衝忙出門前、回家後將珍貴的手錶、戒指,放在 Hermès 幾何圖案的飾物碟上,一定不會遺失掉,這份給新人的結婚小禮物,他們一定會喜歡。 按此了解 Hermès 家居飾品價錢及介紹. 結婚戒指戴左手還是右手? 5 個買婚戒前要留意的 Q&A. 究竟婚禮要準備多少首飾? 必備 5 大鑽戒、金器、結婚首飾. 結婚裙褂種類 | 租借中式褂皇、褂后、大五福怎樣分? 不同身型適合甚麼款式? Photo: Hermès. 結婚禮物推薦:Hermès 檯燈. 燈光主宰空間的感覺,氣氛燈不失為送給新婚夫妻實用禮物。

    • Cherie Chan
    • 家居擺設及用品:Hermès H Casaque羊毛及茄士咩毛毯($12,700)這款Hermès毛毯上的H Casaque圖案向馬術世界和騎師裝束取靈感,採用對比鮮明的色塊,以提花針織綴上「H」字圖案,凸顯摩登時尚感。
    • Hermès Palio天然楓木及光滑小牛皮雙陸戰棋套裝(HK$ 54,600)外觀和實用度兼備的家居擺設也是不錯的選擇,Hermès這款雙陸戰棋套裝色彩鮮明,充分展現Palio馬術賽的風格。
    • Hermès Garde-robe pop亮漆木托盤($9,500)為一對新人送上有心思的家居擺設也不錯,這款Hermès手繪亮漆木托盤上的Garde-robe pop圖案由Gianpaolo Pagni設計,靈感源自19世紀一份商品目錄上的馬術版畫插圖,為時尚家居增添亮點。
    • Hermès掛牆收納袋。這款Hermès的掛牆收納袋以「H」字小公牛皮製造,配搭Chagrin山羊皮內籠,除了圖中的淺啡色款式外,還有愛馬仕紅色的選擇。
  3. 2023年9月4日 · Explore wedding gifts in Hong Kong, from traditional to personalized options. Discover the significance of anniversaries, gift etiquette, and thoughtful ideas for friends and couples. Make wedding celebrations memorable with meaningful presents.

  4. Gift Something Hong Kong 提供生活品味禮物、玩具、體驗禮券、鮮花、禮籃和很多獨一無二的禮物。 在我們的禮品系列中,你會找到送給男士、女士和孩子的禮物,更可享免費送貨服務。

  5. 以下向各位計劃結婚的準新郎、準新娘,分享幾式禮金講價策略: 提早成為「半個親生仔」 Kenny首次見家長就宣佈搞大女友個肚,女方父母當然晴天霹靂。 如果,準新郎一早與伯母及Uncle建立良好關係,過時過節識做地送禮,令對方視他為「半邊仔」,傾禮金時自然手下留情。 準新人必須同一陣線. 日劇《逃跑雖可恥但有用》中,新垣結衣及星野源達成契約結婚協議後,想說服父母二人不舉辦婚禮,用的策略係強調不舉辦搞婚禮是二人共同決定,這招在兩家商討禮金時,亦十分有用。 試想想,若準新娘與父母連成一線,攜手向男家施壓,難免有損準新人關係。 「我媽養到我咁大,你唔畀夠錢唔好娶我。 」「你父母賣女咩? 」此類傷感情的說話切忌衝口而出。 準新人同心合力,應付四大長老事半功倍。 事先試探底線.